“Cousin, cousin, there is a ghost over there.” Li Jiaojiao turned pale and said tremblingly.

"What?" Shen Ning was shocked and asked, "What the hell? Where is it?"

“In that room.” Li Jiaojiao pointed to the guest room where Ji Qingshan slept and ran downstairs.

Shen Ning glanced at the guest room suspiciously and frowned.

 The sky is clear and the sun is bright, where do the ghosts come from? This little girl is suspicious.

She shook her head and walked towards Ji Qingshan's guest room.

After Li Jiaojiao ran down, she immediately went to the guest room to get her bag and ran outside.

 Can't stay here any longer!

Let’s not mention that she shaved off half of Ji Qingshan’s head, but she also cut his head and made it bleed. She didn’t know whether he was dead or alive. Even if Ji Qingshan didn’t die, he would have beaten her to death!

 Escape is important!

"You, who are you?...What's wrong with you?" When Shen Ning went in, she saw a man with half of his hair missing. The top of his head was still bleeding. His hair was all over his face and body. The bed was in a mess. Tuan was so frightened that he couldn't even speak.

 Tomorrow, the three-day wedding will begin, but the place becomes haunted.

"Ning Ning, help me up quickly." Ji Qingshan shouted immediately when he saw Shen Ning.

Now that the effects of the medicine have not completely worn off, he is so weak that he can't even stand up.

"Ji, Professor Ji, it's you, what's wrong with you?" Hearing Professor Ji's voice, Shen Ning felt more at ease, asked hurriedly, and stepped forward to help him up.

 “Help me go to the bathroom first.”


Shen Ning helped Ji Qingshan to the bathroom.

As soon as he entered, Ji Qingshan shouted angrily: "Li Jiaojiao, you **** witch, I'm going to kill you."

Shen Ning heard him scolding Li Jiaojiao and thought of how Li Jiaojiao ran out in panic just now. She couldn't help but raise her eyes, but when she raised her eyes, she almost laughed out loud. I can only see it in the bathroom mirror.

Ji Qingshan's originally handsome Western-style hair was half bald now, and the hair was messy. That look was really funny!

 But she soon stopped laughing.

 Because Ji Qingshan’s head was still bleeding.

"Professor Ji, your head is bleeding. Quick, I will take you to the hospital." Shen Ning stepped forward to support Ji Qingshan and was about to leave.

 Human life is at stake, this is no small matter.

"It's okay." Ji Qingshan refused. At this time, he would scare many people to death if he went out like this.

 “What should we do?” Shen Ning was anxious.

 At this time, there was a knock on the door.

 “Who is it?”

“Young lady, it’s me, the family doctor. My cousin just said that someone here has a head injury.”

It turns out that Li Jiaojiao felt anxious after running away. She really didn't want Ji Qingshan to die, and she didn't want to go to jail either!

 In this way, she went to the family clinic first, told him all about his injuries, and then ran away.

"Come in quickly." Shen Ning immediately opened the door after hearing this.

The family doctor quickly checked Ji Qingshan. Fortunately, the razor only scratched a gash, which was not deep. Although it bled, fortunately, the hair had been shaved, cleaned and disinfected and then applied with medicine. The bleeding soon stopped.

 Finally, the family doctor looked at Ji Qingshan's half-bald head and held back his laughter before walking away.

"Ning Ning, do you have a barber here? Please ask him to come and give me a haircut. Also, please prepare a hat for me." After Ji Qingshan changed his clothes, he ordered Shen Ning.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away. You can have a good rest here first." Shen Ning agreed, comforted him, and then left.

As soon as he walked out, he received a call from Li Jiaojiao.

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