“Cousin, is Ji Mingshou still alive?” Li Jiaojiao hid in the car and called her, asking in a low voice.

 “Jiaojiao, you’ve gone a long way this time.” Shen Ning’s face was full of seriousness.

How can you treat someone like this?

"Cousin, you really can't blame me, he is really disgusting." Li Jiaojiao said with a bitter face, "You don't know, last night, he actually peeked at me taking a shower and humiliated me. Then He threw me to the ground, and my whole body is still hurting. If I didn't let out this bad breath, I would be suffocated to death. Anyway, either he dies or I die."

"Is it that serious?" Shen Ning said in disbelief, "Professor Ji is so gentle, how could he peek at you taking a shower?"

“Cousin, it’s true.” Li Jiaojiao told him everything that happened last night, “Cousin, I don’t want him to die, I just want to vent my anger.”

"You're overthinking. It's just a cut on his scalp. Now the family doctor has taken care of it. It's fine. You should be careful in the future. This kind of joke is not allowed. Now he hates you to death. You should take care of yourself." Yeah." Shen Ning told her the truth and hung up the phone because she still had many things to do and didn't have time to talk nonsense with her.

“Amitabha.” When Li Jiaojiao heard that Ji Qingshan would not die, she hurriedly clasped her hands and said, relieved, but when she thought of his bare half head, she leaned on the steering wheel and laughed.


 Coco, Dingding and Xiaoxiao were taken back to Li's Castle.

 The three little guys were so proud of the spring breeze that they couldn't be happier.

Daddy and Mommy are getting married tomorrow, and they can finally be reunited as a family.

Lan Lan followed behind, staring at them angrily.

 Hmph, what are you so proud of? I also have a mommy, let’s see whose mommy is better!

 Four little guys walked into the living room one after another.

 “Mommy.” Coco, Ding Ding, and Xiaoxiao shouted in unison as soon as they came in, and the sound of milk echoed throughout the villa.

 Shen Ning immediately ran down after hearing this.

"Coco, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao." As soon as she ran down, the three little guys ran towards her and surrounded her. She was so unhappy. Shen Ning's heart and face were full of love, and she hugged them and kissed them non-stop. .

Lan Lan stood not far away and looked at them coldly.

Shen Ning stood up after being intimate with the children for a while. When she raised her eyes, she saw Lan Lan standing in front of her, staring at her indifferently, with deep hatred in her eyes.

 This sent shivers down Shen Ning's spine.

“Lanlan, come to Auntie.” She said kindly.

 Although she was very unfriendly to her and even bit her arm maliciously, she still wanted to change her.

  After all, from her perspective, she is also very pitiful. She is only five or six years old and cannot be with her biological mother. She has experienced that feeling before, and she wants to influence her.

 She felt that such a young child could still be influenced.

"I'm not going. I hate you and don't care about you." Lan Lan rolled her eyes at her, snorted coldly, threw her schoolbag on the sofa, and turned away.

"Lanlan, you can't talk to your aunt like this. She is your elder, and you must respect her." Xiao Li, the family teacher, saw Lanlan's attitude and immediately educated her.

“Bah, she’s not, she’s a goblin, and I won’t respect her.” Lan Lan immediately yelled at Teacher Li.

Keke was furious when she heard it. Lanlan actually scolded her own mother like this, and in front of him. It was so abominable.

 He rushed over and slapped Lan Lan.

 "Wow", Lan Lan immediately covered her face and cried loudly.

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