“Mommy, I don’t want to write a reflection or have to stand for a long time. I’m hungry and want to eat. When can you come see me?” Lan Lan started crying again over there.

Shen Mei's fingers clenched into fists.

"Lan Lan, don't cry yet. Wait a minute. Mommy will be by your side soon. I will definitely teach those **** kids a lesson then. Don't worry, I will vent your anger on your behalf." She said on the phone Li comforted Lan Lan.

Ke Lanlan was unwilling to give in and was still crying over there.

Shen Mei's face was gloomy and she was in a bad mood.

 She could only keep comforting Lan Lan and hung up the phone after giving her many promises.

Lan Feiyun walked in just after hanging up the phone.

"Mom, tomorrow is the wedding of Shen Ning and Li Zhenting. They are holding it for three days and three nights. I don't care. I want to go to Li's castle." Shen Mei said to Lan Feiyun with a dark face.

Lan Feiyun glanced at her and said, "Did Lan Lan call you again and say that she was bullied?"

"Yes, she was slapped by Coco today, and now she has to stand and write a reflection. She is crying so hard. If I don't go over, she will be bullied to death." After all, she is her own daughter, Shen Mei is still Very distressed.

Lan Feiyun said calmly: "I've been here for so long. Isn't Lanlan doing well? How could she be bullied to death? Do you have to go now? Isn't it just a few days away?"

"But Mom, I really can't understand that **** Shen Ning. How could she marry Li Zhenting and become Mrs. Li, becoming the most noble and richest woman in the entire imperial capital? Moreover, the children she gave birth to are all bullying Lan Lan, I can't just ignore it." Shen Mei was very excited and insisted on going to Li's Castle.

 “Now is not the time, let’s wait a few more days.” Lan Feiyun stopped him.

"No, Mom, we can't wait any longer. I have thought about it. I will go in on the night of their wedding. Their official wedding will be the day after tomorrow. Li Zhenting will definitely drink a lot of wine by then. After drinking, he will not be so clear-headed. I will take this opportunity to replace Shen Ning and consummate the marriage with him. As long as he and I become a real couple, everything will be settled." Shen Mei insisted on what she had seen, she was very determined and confident.

Lan Feiyun's eyes suddenly lit up, and her furrowed eyebrows relaxed.

 That's right, Shen Mei's move is very good!

If she could replace Shen Ning and consummate Li Zhenting's marriage on the night of their wedding, then even if Shen Mei was recognized by Li Zhenting later, she would not have to worry about anything. Even if he would not marry Shen Mei, but with this relationship, Spending some money is more effective than any other method.

How could she not reach this point?

Just as her joy was rising, Shen Mei said again:

"Mom, it just so happens that these few days are my ovulation period. As long as Li Zhenting touches me, I believe I can get pregnant. In that case, I will have a chance to give birth to Li Zhenting's child. As long as the child is Li Zhenting's, I really don't have to worry about anything. , any problem can be solved, and even if we don’t become Mrs. Li, we can still maintain our prosperity and wealth in this life."

"Daughter, you have really enlightened and become smarter. I didn't even think of this, but you did. It seems that it's time for you to become prosperous." Lan Feiyun beamed with joy and hugged Shen Mei kissed her hard and said, "My good daughter, I finally waited until you became a talented person. As long as you can still be so eye-catching in the future, then I will be able to live a stable life in the future."

“Mom, don’t worry, as long as I have food, you will be indispensable, so we won’t be afraid of Liang Ruqi’s threats.” Shen Mei was praised by Lan Feiyun, and felt sweet in her heart.

"Well, okay, come, let's discuss the countermeasures." Lan Feiyun pulled Shen Mei to sit down on the sofa, and the two discussed in a low voice.

 After a while, Shen Mei stood up triumphantly, with a sinister cold light in her eyes.

Shen Ning, you bitch, how dare you bully my daughter and your little bitches, I won't let them have an easy time!

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