At dinner time, both Li Wanqing and Li Jinchang came back.

 After all, my son is getting married, and they, as parents, have to come back to help support him.

 “Where’s Lanlan?” During dinner, Li Wanqing asked immediately when she saw that Dudu was missing Lanlan.

Li Zhenting then remembered Lan Lan and looked at Xiao Li who was standing aside.

“Master, Lanlan didn’t write any reflections and is still angry.”

Li Zhenting’s eyebrows wrinkled, and there was an annoyed look on his face.

"Zhen Ting, what mistake did the child make? She still had to write a reflection and didn't even give her dinner." Li Wanqing asked with a serious look on her face.

After all, Lan Lan is also her granddaughter, so she treats her equally and cares about her very much.

"Mom, Lan Lan is getting more and more outrageous now, and her personality is getting weirder and weirder. If you don't care about her, she will be in trouble." "How troublesome it is, how serious it can be, for a little girl who is only five or six years old. The words coming out of your mouth make her look like a murderer." Li Wanqing was very dissatisfied.

Li Zhenting had no choice but to say to Xiao Li: "Xiao Li, please bring Lan Lan over for dinner."

 “Okay.” Xiao Li agreed and walked towards the study.

After a while, she came over and said, "Master, Lan Lan has fallen asleep on the floor of the study."

Li Wanqing's face darkened when she heard this: "It's autumn, how can you let your child fall asleep on the floor? The cold is to the bones, and it aches this and that when you get old. Aren't you abusing your child?"

She glared at Li Zhenting dissatisfiedly, stood up and went to the study.

 In the study, Lan Lan was lying on the floor sleeping soundly.

Li Wanqing used to feel sad when she saw her child like this. People said that men are ruthless and forget about their old love when they have a new love. They even disliked the children of the old love.

 Li Zhenting clearly doesn't like Lan Lan.

 In fact, she didn't like Lan Lan before, and that was because of Shen Mei. But Lan Lan is her granddaughter after all, only five or six years old. How can a grandmother dislike her own granddaughter? "Lanlan, Lanlan." Xiao Li had already squatted down and picked up Lanlan and put her on the sofa. She walked up and shook her arm gently, trying to wake her up for dinner.

Ke Lanlan couldn't wake up at all, the little guy was very sleepy.

"What should we do? We have to skip dinner. This will be bad for our stomach. Zhen Ting is really confused. How serious is it to argue with a child?" Li Wanqing was very upset when she saw Lan Lan sleeping so hard that she couldn't even eat dinner. Feeling distressed.

So, she asked Xiao Li the whole story and sighed in her heart.

 It is true that if there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather!

Now the entire Li family is surrounding Shen Ning. Only Lan Lan's father does not love his mother. The little guy will naturally feel wronged and scold her a few times. He has to stand and write a reflection for her.

 Her face looked very ugly.

 At this time, Shen Ning came over.

Since she knew that Li Wanqing was the one who registered Li's Castle under her name, she already knew that Li Wanqing was very good to her before she lost her memory. Therefore, she also wanted to be filial to her and maintain a good relationship with her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. .

Just now, she had seen that Li Wanqing was unhappy because of Lan Lan, so she put down her job and followed him.

"Auntie, don't worry, I will come down and heat food for Lanlan when she wakes up." She comforted her softly.

"But what's the use? Don't we all have dinner at six or seven o'clock? If we wait until that late to eat, it's not good for the stomach. Or, if she sleeps until tomorrow morning, wouldn't she have to eat all night long? I can't have dinner." Li Wanqing looked very unhappy and her tone was serious.

Shen Ning wrung his fingers for a moment, feeling at a loss.

"Isn't it just a child who said a few words? How big a sin can it be? To treat her like this, Zhen Ting is so confused." She continued unyielding, and there was something in her words.

Anyone with a discerning eye can hear that she was obviously scolding her son, but actually she was blaming Shen Ning!

Shen Ning felt bitter in her heart.

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