"Mom, Lan Lan must be educated. It's getting worse and worse now." At this moment, Li Zhenting came over, glanced at Lan Lan who was sleeping, and said lightly, "I'll fall asleep when I fall asleep. One meal What will happen if she doesn't eat? If she doesn't correct her shortcomings, the consequences in the future will be as simple as not eating a meal."

"Zhen Ting, are you cursing Lanlan? Didn't she just say a few words that you don't like to hear? What are the consequences?" Li Wenqing was really angry, "Now the entire Li family is trying to get married for you. She is a little girl who has no one to care about and no one loves her. If she feels wronged, what's the matter with just saying a few words?"

"Mom, if you don't know something, don't get involved in it. I know it well." Li Zhenting became impatient.

"What do you think you have in mind? Now you are more concerned about Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao than Lan Lan. She is a child, so she will compare and she will be sad after comparing."

"Mom, take a look for yourself, Xiao Xiaoduo is sensible and kind-hearted. When did Coco and Ding Ding ever do something as messy as Lan Lan? I know my own child well, so you don't have to worry about it." Li Zhenting's tone was a bit awkward. cold.

 He will not be happy if his mother or father interferes in his family affairs.

"Ning Ning, let's go, let's go upstairs to see the new house." Li Zhenting saw Shen Ning's face turning pale and felt distressed, so he took her arm and left.

Shen Ning looked at Li Wanqing, whose face turned black with anger, and listened to the quarrel between mother and son, feeling uncomfortable and relieved at the same time.

 The sad thing is that they are all arguing because of her. Fortunately, Li Zhenting is very protective of his children. Moreover, he loves his children very much and has a good impression of them.

 “Shanshan, wait a moment.”

 Shen Ning suddenly broke free from Li Zhenting's arm, turned around, and walked towards Lan Lan.

She wanted to carry Lan Lan to the bedroom upstairs in person, and wanted to tell Li Wanqing with her actions that she would not leave Lan Lan alone as a five or six-year-old girl. When she woke up, she would go downstairs to warm her up. The food will not let her go hungry.

Here, Li Wanqing just stared at Li Zhenting with an unhappy expression because she was dissatisfied with Li Zhenting's perfunctory and cold attitude towards her.

Li Zhenting stood leaning against the door frame, looking calm and calm.

Shen Ning knelt down in front of Lan Lan and was about to reach out to pick her up.


 Lanlan opened her eyes.

The little girl's eyes were clear and she didn't look sleepy at all. She didn't look like she had just woken up. Only when she saw Shen Ning, her eyes shone with resentment and calculation, and there was even a trace of a proud smile.

Shen Ning was stunned, and her outstretched hand froze in mid-air.

 After a while.

 She turned around and walked out.

As soon as Shen Ning left, Xiao Li felt a little strange and went to see Lan Lan.

Lanlan had closed her eyes long ago.

"Ning Ning." Li Zhenting saw Shen Ning leaving and immediately followed him.

 In the gorgeous new house, everything is decorated according to Shen Ning's requirements.

But Shen Ning stood in the wedding room and felt cold all over.

She didn't care about the hatred of a little girl, nor was she afraid that Lan Lan would hurt her. But the stepmother's pain had already come before the marriage had even begun, and it was so painful.

 She lowered her head and tears flowed out again.

"Ning Ning, why are you crying again?" Li Zhenting put his arms around her waist and pulled her into his arms, asking distressedly.

Shen Ning buried her face in his chest, but couldn't stop her tears.

Li Zhenting was silent and suddenly hugged her tightly.

"Ning Ning, don't worry, I won't let you suffer even a little bit, please believe me." He whispered, kissing her face gently.

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