Have had dinner.

 Li Wanqing is here.

"Hello, grandma." The four little guys rushed to greet her.

"Hello, my little grandson and granddaughters." Li Wanqing responded with a smile, kissed them one by one, and then looked at Zhu Qixiong with majestic and cold eyes.

“Hello, Auntie, let me introduce to you, this is my girlfriend Zhang Xiaoxian.” Zhu Qixiong’s eyebrows were light, and he first pulled Zhang Xiaoxian over and hugged him, and introduced him calmly.


Li Wanqing's eyes moved and she looked at Zhang Xiaoxian.

 Pure, beautiful, and looks quite reliable.

"Hello, Miss Zhang." Zhu Qixiong's introduction was indeed in line with Li Wanqing's wishes, and she immediately greeted Zhang Xiaoxian with a smile.

 “Hello, Mrs. Li.” Zhang Xiaoxian was flattered and immediately replied politely.

“I’m sorry, Miss Zhang, I have a few words to say to your boyfriend, is that okay?” Li Wanqing asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes." Zhang Xiaoxian was a little incoherent. Facing such a noble and elegant rich lady, she was really at a loss.

"Mr. Zhu, please." Li Wanqing made a "please" gesture towards Zhu Qixiong.

Zhu Qixiong stroked Zhang Xiaoxian’s head with his big hand and said affectionately:

“Xiao Xian, take care of the children here first. I’ll come over after I talk to Mrs. Li.”

 After saying that, he lowered his head and kissed her affectionately on the face.

When the man's body temperature and soft lips kissed the woman's little face, Zhang Xiaoxian felt as if she had been shocked by an electric shock. She was stunned, and then her whole face turned red, reaching the back of her ears and neck. Li Wanqing glanced at Zhang Xiaoxian with a smile.

 Yes, this girl is quite innocent. This time, Zhu Qixiong’s vision has made substantial progress!

 It seems that they are indeed boyfriend and girlfriend!

 Zhang Xiaoxian's performance made Li Wanqing completely believe that Zhu Qixiong had really found true love.

“Master Zhu, first of all, congratulations on finding a good girlfriend.” The two of them walked aside, and Li Wanqing immediately congratulated her.

Originally, she was going to warn Zhu Qixiong today to keep him away from her daughter-in-law Shen Ning. After all, Shen Ning is now married to his son, and she doesn't want her son to wear this cuckold.

 But she didn’t expect that Zhu Qixiong would come up with this trick, which actually made her feel relieved.

"Mrs. Li, do you really think she is very good?" Zhu Qixiong asked thoughtfully, with a proud expression on his face.

"Of course, these days, there are very few such innocent girls. You have to cherish her. Moreover, this girl is stable and honest at first glance. She can endure hardships and will definitely be a good wife in the future." Li Wanqing said sternly.

“Okay, thank you Mrs. Li for the tip, I understand.” Zhu Qixiong smiled.

"Yes." Li Wanqing nodded and sighed: "Young Master Zhu, you should also know the reason why I came to you. Zhen Ting is now in love with Shen Ning. He insists on marrying her. I am a mother. There is nothing I can do about it. Now that they are married, I hope they can have a good outcome and be in love until they grow old. After all, they have experienced too much and it is not easy to get to where they are today."

"Yes, Mrs. Li, you should be very glad that Shen Ning lost her memory. After she lost her memory, she only left her first love with your son. Therefore, she is very happy to marry your son. This is your son's blessing and yours. blessing, so I hope you can cherish her, love her, and protect her in the future." Zhu Qixiong immediately replied.

If Shen Ning had not lost her memory, she might not be willing to remarry Li Zhenting, but she has lost her memory. Maybe this is fate.

"So, we all understand that you will never have any interaction with Shen Ning in the future. I hope you will never mention the things that happened in the past and those photos again. This matter has passed like this. Can you do it?" Li Wanqing looked at Zhu Qixiong seriously and asked.

"Of course I can." Zhu Qixiong nodded cooperatively, "Originally I didn't plan to find a girlfriend, but I found one soon. You also know the reason."

“Okay, I understand, you can stay here with Miss Zhang in peace. I wish you happiness.” Li Wanqing smiled and turned around and left.

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