The next day.

Li Zhenting and Shen Ning are about to officially hold their wedding ceremony.

 It was only five o'clock in the morning and he got up.

I’m so excited! I’m so excited!

  Obviously I went to bed very late last night, but I woke up so early!

He suddenly found that he was like a young boy. When he thought about getting married, he felt extremely excited.

 And clearly.

 He and Shen Ning have been married twice!

Today, he had to lead the wedding team to pick up the bride and welcome Shen Ning from Li's old house to Li's castle.

Shen Ning has not been here since last night. According to traditional customs, she has to stay at her parents' house.

  Although this natal family is not her natal family in the true sense, the old man and the old lady love her enough to allow her to stay there with peace of mind until she marries their grandson.

Perhaps it was because Shen Ning was not around. He was not used to sleeping without her at night, so his sleep was not very good.

 But tonight, Shen Ning took it, and they were about to start their wedding night. Thinking of this, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and he immediately hummed a song and went to wash up.

“Daddy, can I go with you to pick up mommy?” Li Zhenting finished breakfast and was about to take the wedding team to the Li family’s old house when he saw Xiaoxiao standing in front, looking at him eagerly.

Li Zhenting was stunned for a moment, smiled, bent down, and said affectionately: "Xiaoxiao, you, Keke, and Ding Ding are going to be flower girls at the wedding ceremony in the conference center at noon. The flower girls have to make up, so you can't come with us. Go, you have to put on makeup, and we will be back after we pick up your mommy, and you will be able to see your mommy soon."

“But I’m not worried.” The little guy’s **** eyes suddenly shone brightly, as if they were wet with water.

Li Zhenting was stunned.

"Daddy is going to pick up your mommy, why don't you feel relieved?" "Daddy, last night I dreamed that mommy died." Xiaoxiao suddenly curled her lips and her eyes were red.

 Obviously, she was still immersed in a dream and had not woken up.

Li Zhenting’s heart skipped a beat.

"Xiaoxiao, what are you talking about? Today is your mommy and I's happy day, and you would say such depressing words." He suddenly darkened his face and spoke displeased.

On such a happy day, a little girl actually said such unlucky words, which really made him angry, and he felt a strong uneasy feeling in his heart.

"Daddy, I'm sorry, I just had a dream." Xiaoxiao saw that her daddy was angry and tears flowed down.

"Xiao Xiao." Li Zhenting realized that his attitude was not good, so he quickly hugged her into his arms, kissed her forehead, and said softly, "I'm sorry, Daddy shouldn't have said that to you just now. It was just a dream." , the dream is fake, don’t worry about it, don’t worry, as long as daddy is here, your mommy’s safety will be guaranteed, and now daddy is leading the wedding team to pick up your mommy, and there are Xixi and Beibei over there. I want to take it over, it will be inconvenient if you follow me, do you understand?"

"Yeah, I understand." Xiao Xiao nodded sensibly, but her whole body was shaking. The dream last night was really terrible...

"Xiao Xiao." After Li Jiaojiao finished washing, she didn't see Xiao Xiao coming all the way.

Li Zhenting picked up Xiaoxiao and told her:

“Jiaojiao, take care of the children, don’t let them run around, and pay attention to safety.”

"Okay, don't worry, I will do it." Li Jiaojiao raised her lips and smiled, took Xiaoxiao from his hand, hugged it with one hand, and stretched out both hands towards him, laughing: "Cousin, what a day! It’s a great day and it’s so early in the morning, so I should show some signs of it.”

Li Zhenting and Mo Tong glanced at her, and suddenly took out a big red envelope from his pocket without hesitation.

“Say something nice and give it if you’re happy.” Li Zhenting raised the red envelope.

Originally, he didn't want to deal with his money-obsessed cousin, but what Xiao Xiaoxiao said just now was really unlucky. He needed a good mood and someone to seek luck, and Li Jiaojiao's move was just right.

Li Jiaojiao’s eyes lit up when she looked at the red envelope. It was so big and thick, it must be a lot of money!

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