“You guys squat down quickly and help take out all the money from these red envelopes.” Li Jiaojiao immediately squatted down, poured out all the red envelopes in her bag, and began to open the red envelopes.

As long as she takes out all the red envelopes and folds them into piles, her bag can still hold so many red envelopes, and there will still be opportunities to get red envelopes, especially at the wedding scene in the evening. I would miss such a good opportunity. After all, I will be going to the United States soon. When the time comes, I will be able to switch to a U.S. dollar, which will not be too exciting.

 The four little guys all started to help her open the red envelope clumsily.

As expected, each red envelope contains hundreds of dollars, and she is going to make a small fortune.

At the time when she was very excited and sweating profusely.

Suddenly someone shouted loudly over there: "The old man and the old lady are giving out golden melon seeds to people over there, go quickly."

Li Jiaojiao's eyes widened when she heard this. She thought, how could she miss such a good opportunity?

“Lan Lan, keep these red envelopes here for now, and we’ll come as soon as we go.” Li Jiaojiao stuffed the removed money into her bag, pulled Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao towards the other side.

Because Lan Lan was not favored, she often got no cocoa, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiaoduo, so she sent her to guard the red envelopes here. No one came here anyway.

But when they walked over and took a look, the old man and the old lady were resting in a guest room. It was very quiet and there were no golden melon seeds at all.

 She had no choice but to run back with the three little guys.

But when I came back and took a look, I was dumbfounded. Lan Lan was gone, and the pile of red envelopes on the ground were also gone.

“Lanlan, Lanlan.” She shouted immediately.

 She has been busy all morning with the red envelopes, but except for the ones she opened and put into the bag, the rest are gone. How can that be done?

I called several times, but no one answered.

 She thought for a moment and walked towards the refreshment area in the reception room.

 Sure enough

As soon as he entered, he saw Lan Lan's fat body hanging on the tea table, her little chubby hands stuffing sweets into her mouth, and she was getting carried away with eating.

 “Lan Lan.” Li Jiaojiao rushed over.

"Ah." Lan Lan was startled, her hand loosened, and she fell down, falling to the floor. Her fat **** was sore from the fall, and she curled her lips, "Auntie, what's wrong?"

"Lan Lan." Seeing the pain in her fall, Li Jiaojiao hurriedly helped her up, rubbed her and asked, "Where are those red envelopes?"

 “It’s still there.”

Li Jiaojiao put her hands on her forehead and complained: "Where are they? Now none of them are gone. Don't you know who took them?"

“I don’t know. I was hungry and came here to eat. There was no one around when I came.”

"Oh my God." Li Jiaojiao's eyesight went dark and she almost fainted. She had been busy working together for a long time, and now only the ones that had been opened in a day or two were left. How could she survive?

 Over here, in the reception room.

"Qingshan, you brought Li Jiaojiao's red envelope. Will she get angry later?" Chen Qianqian looked at the pile of red envelopes on the sofa. There must be at least fifty or sixty thousand here.

Ji Qingshan sneered: "She is greedy and greedy. She was the loudest all morning. She was so noisy. She also used four children to make money. She is a money addict. She must be taught a lesson."

Chen Qianqian thought about it, Li Jiaojiao's voice was indeed quite loud throughout the morning, and she worked hard to grab red envelopes, but everyone's voice was loud, so maybe she was the loudest. Is Ji Qingshan allergic to her voice?

“Security, security.” Li Jiaojiao rushed out with Lan Lan, calling for security.

The red envelope she had been busy with all morning has disappeared. It must be at least 60,000 to 70,000 yuan. It cannot just disappear inexplicably. It must be checked!

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