“Cousin, what’s going on?” The nearby security guard ran over immediately.

“Who was here just now?” Li Jiaojiao asked, pointing to the place where the red envelope was placed.

The security guard looked at it and was a little confused: "Ms. Cousin, there are a lot of guests today. I didn't notice this specifically. What happened?"

 “My money has been stolen.” She gritted her teeth and yelled.

Any **** who dares to steal my red envelope will have his body cut into thousands of pieces and sent to the 18th level of **** after death!

Li Jiaojiao clenched her fists in anger.

 “Money? How much money did you lose?”

“I don’t know, it’s a lot of money anyway.” She cursed angrily, “What do you do for food when you go to work? You can’t even detect a thief.”

The security guard felt aggrieved and said: "Ms. Cousin, all the gates are heavily guarded today. You can't get in without an invitation. We are responsible for a wide area. It's really hard to see through this small place. I don't think there are any thieves." If something like this sneaks in, you can think about it again and see if you misplaced your money, or go look for it again.”

"I'll go." Li Jiaojiao was so angry that she kicked him. "My red envelope is just here. Is there anything wrong with this? You guys don't have strict security and you are still looking for excuses here. Damn it."

The security guard did not dare to resist.

Li Jiaojiao angrily went to the security captain and asked to check the surveillance camera. However, the luncheon was about to start and the security captain was so busy that he couldn't be found.

Li Jiaojiao felt so sorry for her missing Grandpa Mao. She had always had no resistance to delicious food and now she had no appetite. She sat down on the ground and wanted to cry.

 At this time the mobile phone rang.

“Jiaojiao, the wedding ceremony is about to begin. Come quickly, bring Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao.”

"Okay, I'll come right away." When Li Jiaojiao heard this, she had no choice. If she couldn't complete this task, Li Zhenting would definitely lose the one million. Compared with the red envelope of 60,000 to 70,000 yuan, this is the big one.

She first sent Lan Lan to the reception room and let her eat pastries there, and then ran out to find Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao. But these three little ones ran away without knowing where they were.

She had no choice but to run and search. When she rushed to the stage behind the conference room out of breath, she saw Coco wearing a beetle crookedly and suspenders full of flowers. She looked nondescript, but her **** was good, and she was wearing a sky blue suit. , extremely handsome and cool, and what frightened her the most was that the crown on her little head was missing, and she wore a temporary fluffy one, with colored paper still stained on her skirt.

 She was scared out of her wits.

You must know that the crown on the little head is made of real gold and silver. It is an heirloom jewel of the Li family.

 “Xiaoxiao, where is the crown on your head?” She rushed over and asked anxiously.

“I don’t know, what was there just now disappeared in a moment.” Xiaoxiao cried.

 It’s over, it’s over!

Li Jiaojiao felt that her eyes were getting dark.

If this crown is lost, don’t even want the one million, I’ll probably have to pay for it!

At this moment, the hostess walked onto the stage and began to announce that the bride and groom were about to take the stage.

 The person in charge of the wedding company on the side immediately took the three children over. Li Jiaojiao didn't even have time to sort out the mess for Coco and Xiaoxiao.

 As the accompaniment sounds.

Li Zhenting took Shen Ning's hand and slowly walked towards the stage.

Behind her, Coco held up her mother's wedding dress with one hand and put her other hand into her trouser pocket, walking like a model, wearing a beanie hat crookedly on her head. Her unusual cuteness and comedy made the guests in the audience burst into laughter. Tintin walks in a regular manner, just like a little gentleman, and the little velvet wraps around his little head, and the little white dress is as beautiful as a little princess.

In just an instant, the popularity of the three little guys surpassed that of Li Zhenting and Shen Ning, and they became the shining stars in the audience.

 The atmosphere quickly reached its peak.

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