The living room of the Shen family.

Shen Mei was sitting in front of the large TV screen in the living room, watching the live broadcast of the unprecedented wedding scene, her teeth almost biting her red lips.

 Shen Ning is so happy!

 How is this possible!

She stood up slowly, walked to the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the bathroom, and took off her clothes little by little. Finally, she stood naked in front of the mirror, stroking her body with her hands, admiring her graceful figure. , closing his eyes and imagining the scene of being in love with Li Zhenting tonight, the skin all over his body quickly turned pink.

As soon as Lan Feiyun came back from outside, she received a call from Liang Ruqi.

"Mrs. Shen, when do you plan to take action? I'm in the Li family's castle now. If you need my cooperation, just ask." Liang Ruqi looked at the happy faces of Li Zhenting and Shen Ning and was filled with hatred. She wished that Lan Fei Yun Mu and her daughter acted as monsters as soon as possible to deal with Shen Ning.

Lan Feiyun raised her eyebrows and said, "Mrs. Li, today is a happy day for your Li family. It would be inappropriate for us to act now."

"Ah, bah, that was their happy day, not mine. I just want them to turn today into their death anniversary." Liang Ruqi pouted and spoke viciously.

How vicious!

Lan Feiyun sneered mockingly and said lightly: "Mrs. Li, no matter what, it is a happy event for your Li family. This matter cannot be rushed."

Liang Ruqi wanted to hold her hostage and make the mother and daughter her pawns.

 Liang Ruqi, who has always thought highly of herself, was not willing to be taken advantage of by her.

 Tonight, of course they have to take action, but it has nothing to do with Liang Ruqi!

 Naturally, she won't tell her about her plan.

"Mrs. Shen, don't forget. I could have told you about your mother and daughter at the police station that day, but I hid it because I hoped we could cooperate well. I hope you don't let me down." Liang Ruqi Knowing Lan Feiyun's treachery, she finally warned him uneasily.

"Thank you, Mrs. Li, for showing mercy." Lan Feiyun had a disdainful smile on her face, but her voice was extremely sweet. She understood what Liang Ruqi meant. This was a warning to her. If she didn't cooperate with her and act as her pawn, she might expose their conspiracy at any time and let them get nothing!

This is what Lan Feiyun is most worried about. Of course, he doesn't dare to offend her openly, but all this is also under her calculation, and she is not that worried.

 Li's Castle.

 The wedding banquet was held in a lively and festive atmosphere, and everyone started to have lunch.

But Li Jiaojiao was not in the slightest mood to enjoy the rich meal.

Now not only is her red envelope lost, but also the crown on her little head is missing. What should I do?

She took a few bites of her meal without any thought, then hurried away to find the security captain.

This time we found Captain Liu, the security guard. Captain Liu’s face changed color when he heard about these things.

Li Jiaojiao's red envelope was a small matter, but the crown on her little head was not a trivial matter. It was from precious jewelry. He immediately led several security guards to check the surveillance.

 As a result, nothing was found.

Li Jiaojiao felt even more depressed, walking along the roadside with an ugly face.

"Qingshan, have you eaten well?" Not far away, she suddenly heard the charming voice of a woman in front of her. She looked up and saw Chen Qianqian wearing a **** dress, walking side by side with Ji Qingshan. Smiling as she walked, her eyes suddenly became cold. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she saw Ji Qingshan looking towards her, with obvious gloating in his eyes.

 She was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something.

When I just checked the surveillance, I saw Ji Qingshan passing by. Although I didn't see him taking the red envelope, he actually passed by that area.

 Damn it, he must have stolen it!

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