Night is coming quietly again.

 In the evening, a large-scale charity event is being held at the Lishi Castle Conference Center.

 Li Zhenting decided to donate 100 buses and a batch of materials to children in impoverished mountainous areas, and also planned to set up a charity foundation with a small name.

Many celebrities in society were invited to the entire dinner! Very solemn.

Like a little star, Xiaoxiao stood in the middle of the stage of the conference center and delivered a speech, and was warmly welcomed by everyone.

Lan Lan sat below, looking at Xiao Xiao who was like a star, and her little chest bulged with anger.

 At this moment, her phone and watch rang.

 She picked it up and saw that it was Shen Mei calling.

 No, it’s 7 o’clock now and Mommy is coming!

She immediately stood up and quietly walked outside.

“Lan Lan, you did a great job today.” After a while, Lan Lan skillfully opened the back door. Shen Mei was so happy that she rewarded her with a big kiss.

Ke Lanlan pursed her lips and looked unhappy.

"Lan Lan, what's wrong with you?" Shen Mei led her towards the inside and asked as she walked.

 “Mommy, I hate Xiaoxiao so much.”

"What's wrong? Did she bully you?" A cold light flashed in Shen Mei's eyes.

"No, daddy actually set up a charity foundation for her. She is so famous tonight. Everyone likes her and loves her. No one likes me." Lan Lan said sadly, and she started to cry after speaking. , The little shoulders twitched.

"Lan Lan, don't cry. Isn't mommy here? Don't worry, mommy will avenge you." Shen Mei quickly picked her up, wiped her tears, and comforted her.

Lan Lan was a little happy.

Mother and daughter held hands and walked openly towards Lanlan's bedroom.

 The living room was dark.

 Everyone went there to attend a charity dinner.

After Shen Mei came in, she went around the kitchen first, took a lot of delicious food, and brought it to Lan Lan's bedroom.

 Then she sat down and wolfed down the food.

 After all, it is food flown in by air. It is different from the food bought at the wet market. It is fresh and delicious.

 Shen Mei ate with gusto.

However, the more she ate, the more unpleasant she felt. When she lived in Li's Castle, she enjoyed spicy food and had servants cook whatever she wanted. But now, she could only eat it secretly.

 She took out her mobile phone and dialed Lan Feiyun's number. “Mom, can you deal with Shen Ning today?”

Lan Feiyun replied there: "Meimei, please stay in Lanlan's room first, Liang Ruqi hasn't answered me yet."

"Tell her that if she can't get it done today, she won't cooperate in the future." Shen Mei hung up the phone angrily.

Lan Feiyun held the phone tightly.

 At half past ten in the evening.

 Charity gala ended successfully.

“Shanshan, thank you.” Shen Ning and Li Zhenting walked up arm in arm.

"You're welcome. Xiaoxiao is my daughter. This is what I should do. Besides, I have always been ashamed of her before, so it's time to make it up to her." Li Zhenting said affectionately.

Shen Mei pricked up her ears. Outside the door, all the intimate conversations between Li Zhenting and Shen Mei fell into her ears, and her eyes shone with a cold light.

 At this time, the mobile phone placed on the table vibrated.

 She immediately turned on her phone.

 A WeChat message was sent, from Lan Feiyun.

"Meimei, Shen Ning has already drank that glass of wine tonight, and she will fall asleep in half an hour. Next, you can figure it out yourself. Mom wishes you a happy wedding."

"Okay, I understand." Shen Mei replied and walked in the room.

"Lan Lan, you go and find your Aunt Shen Ning later. Just say that you have something to tell her and trick her into coming here." Soon, she stood in front of Lan Lan and confessed in a low voice.

Lan Lan looked at her in confusion: "Mommy, didn't she notice you when she came over?"

 “It’s okay, she’ll fall asleep soon.”

“Let her sleep here with me?” Lan Lan looked at her bed and pouted.

"Yes, this way I can be close to your daddy on her behalf. As long as your daddy likes me, he will not like her anymore, so your daddy will be nice to you, do you understand?" Shen Mei explained.

“But I want to sleep with mommy.” Lan Lan still didn’t want to.

"Lan Lan, mommy can sleep with you tomorrow. If you are not willing to help, mommy will never be able to accompany you again." Shen Mei threatened and coaxed.

 In the end, Lan Lan had no choice but to agree.

 Another twenty minutes passed.

Shen Mei pushed Lan Lan out of the door, and she got into Lan Lan's closet.

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