Lanlan had no choice but to walk towards Li Zhenting and Shen Ning's wedding room.

"What are you going to do?" But as soon as she walked to the wedding room, Xiaoxiao walked out of Coco and Ding Ding's room. He saw her and immediately asked warily.

 Daddy and Mommy finally managed to go to bed early tonight, and she didn’t want Lan Lan to disturb them.

“It’s none of your business.” Lan Lan glared at her angrily.

"Of course it's none of my business. You can't disturb my parents now. Today is their wedding day and it belongs to them. Grandma Dong said we can't disturb them. You are not a three-year-old child anymore. Why are you so ignorant?" Xiaoxiao argued hard and stopped in front of her.

“Get out of the way.” Lan Lan was so angry that she stamped her foot.

"Don't get out of the way unless you leave here." Xiaoxiao also opened his arms, looking determined not to let her disturb him.

Lan Lan rushed up and pushed her away.

But Xiaoxiao was in good physical condition and had endured hardships, so Lanlan was no match for her. With a push from her backhand, Lanlan was pushed to the ground.

“Wow.” Lan Lan burst into tears.

 “Shy, shy.” The little index finger scratched her face, mocking her for being useless.

Lanlan got up and tried to hit her again, but Xiaoxiao's body was flexible and Lanlan couldn't hit her at all. Instead, Xiaoxiao pushed her to the ground again.

 Lan Lan opened her voice and cried loudly.

 Coco and Ding Ding also ran out when they heard the crying.

At that time, Shen Ning was sitting on the bed and was drowsy. She didn't know what was going on. Ever since she came back from the charity dinner, she had been in poor spirits and just wanted to doze off. Especially after sitting on the bed, her eyelids were always fighting and she was distracted. There was no concentration, and the quarrels outside could not be heard.

Li Zhenting went to the bathroom to take a shower. The water was flowing loudly, so naturally he couldn't hear the crying outside.

Shen Mei faintly heard crying outside. She stuck her head out and listened for a while. It seemed to be Lan Lan's cry. She didn't know what was going on outside and felt very uneasy. "Young lady, go back to bed quickly and don't disturb mommy and daddy." Ke Ke saw Lan Lan rolling on the ground with disgust on her face.

Ting Ding said impatiently: "You are acting like a monster every day. What are you going to do? Don't you know it's mommy and daddy's wedding night? It's really annoying."

"It's none of your business that I'm looking for daddy. Why do you want to stop me?" Lan Lan shouted at them angrily.

"Daddy is not just yours, of course it's none of our business, so tell me what you have to do with daddy?" Xiaoxiao crossed his arms across his chest and looked down at her.

It seems that Aunt Dong has played a big role in the children's education. They all know that these days are the wedding nights of Daddy and Mommy, and they cannot disturb them. Therefore, they are all very self-disciplined, and they resist not making any demands at night. Mommy sleeps with them and doesn't bother them even in broad daylight. She tries to let daddy and mommy stay together as much as possible, and she also spontaneously protects them.

 Lan Lan naturally heard Grandma Dong’s teachings, but she had no choice but to come to see her daddy because of Shen Mei’s instigation.

“I won’t tell you.” Lan Lan yelled viciously.

"If you don't tell us, you are here to cause trouble. Go back." Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao shouted at the same time.

 “Not at all.”

"Then I won't let you in." Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao lined up in a row.

Now Lan Lan can't fly in even if she rubs her wings. She can't even do it, let alone Coco and Ding Ding to help.

But she couldn't go back. Mommy would blame her if she couldn't complete the task, so she could only stare at them bitterly and confront them.

When Li Jiaojiao heard the noise and rushed over, she saw four little guys quarreling in front of Li Zhenting and Shen Ning's wedding room, and she felt dizzy for a moment.

None of these bear children really made her worry about her. They were so late. They still quarreled here in Daddy Mummy. Specifying that she wanted to go in and sleep with Daddy Mummy.

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