"Ning Ning, Ning Ning, get up and take a shower!" Li Zhenting walked to the bed and called Shen Ning softly.

 But even after shouting several times, there was no response.

He bent down and lowered his head, and saw that Shen Ning was already fast asleep. He couldn't help but be startled. This **** woman was so fast asleep. Tonight was still their wedding night.

Looking at her sleeping deeply, I felt inexplicably uneasy, so I quickly put my finger on her nose.

 Fine, breathing evenly.

 It's just that she hasn't changed the clothes on her body yet. She has sweated a lot today.

 He bent down and picked up Shen Ning and walked towards the bathroom.


Zhu Qixiong originally planned to go home after the charity dinner, but Zhang Xiaoxian was pulled by Li Jiaojiao to stay. He suddenly was reluctant to go back and planned to stay with Zhang Xiaoxian for one more night and send her back tomorrow.

 His guest room is on the second floor, and Zhang Xiaoxian lives on the first floor.

 After sending Zhang Xiaoxian back to the guest room, he stood at the door and did not leave.

The night light was bright, casting a soft color on the man's strong and clear face. His tall and strong body stood towards the door, which inexplicably made her heart beat like a mountain weighing on top of her.

 Zhang Xiaoxian did not dare to look into his eyes.

“Xiao Xian, thank you for these three days.” Zhu Qixiong leaned against the door frame, his lips curved into a half-smile.

"You're welcome. As long as it makes Sister Ningning happy, I can do anything." Zhang Xiaoxian replied in a low voice.

 After being his girlfriend for three days, she had a sudden feeling.

Zhu Qixiong smiled, looked at Zhang Xiaoxian, and suddenly said: "Actually, you are quite cute."

When I was in Yuhe Village, Yuan County, I saw that she was clear about love and hate, and acted cheerfully. I thought she was very rigid, but I didn't expect that she also had such a feminine side. She was indeed quite cute.

"What? Me? Cute?" Zhang Xiaoxian raised her eyes, widened her eyes, pursed her lips, and pointed at herself, looking in disbelief.

 At this age, no one has ever praised her for being cute.

"Yes, it's you, super cute." Zhu Qixiong took a few steps forward, lowered his head, and sprayed hot air on her face. Zhang Xiaoxian's face suddenly turned as red as an apple, and her heart jumped to her throat.

The man's dark eyes were dark, his facial features were extremely handsome, and his whole body had a noble, romantic and unruly aura.

She suddenly felt her breathing becoming labored, staring at his rose-colored lips, unable to speak, and stepped back.


 A big hand stretched out to wrap around her slender waist, pulling her closer, and the man's lips slowly approached her red lips.

Her eyes widened in shock and she stood blankly.

 The man's lips were getting closer and closer, and his hot breath had touched her lips.

"Ah." She woke up suddenly, screamed, pushed him away violently, turned back and closed the door, leaning against the door panel, breathing heavily. Put your hand on your chest.

What the **** is she doing?

 It must stop here!

It really scared the baby to death.

Zhu Qixiong is the eldest young master of the Zhu family, and she is just a rural girl whose parents are both sick...

 This is definitely not something she can think about!

 Zhang Xiaoxian quickly sorted out her emotions and forced herself to calm down.

Outside the door, Zhu Qixiong stood against the wall for a while, with the corners of his lips slightly raised, his hands put into his trouser pockets, and left...

 In the hall.

Shen Mei took advantage of the darkness to sneak out of Lan Lan's bedroom and came to the hall on the first floor.

It was impossible for her and Li Zhenting to do anything tonight. After all, Shen Ning was sleeping next to him. At this time, it was impossible for her to get close to him.

But she was unwilling to leave like this. She remembered that Li Zhenting had put a lot of expensive white and red wine in the wine cabinet downstairs. She was going to take a few bottles away and come back tomorrow night.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived in the hall, I saw a tall man walking in. The man had his hands in his trouser pockets, and his figure was handsome and noble.

Her heart was moved, and she hid in haste, and looked out to see.

 Hey, isn’t this Zhu Qixiong!

 No wonder he’s so handsome!

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