Shen Mei's mind immediately flashed back to the night she had close contact with Zhu Qixiong some time ago. Instantly, her throat became tight and her whole body felt hot.

Originally, she had been looking forward to having **** with Li Zhenting for the past two nights, but she couldn't succeed. It was just that she was in trouble. When she saw Zhu Qixiong, she immediately felt like a wolf seeing a sheep, and her bones went soft.

 She watched Zhu Qixiong walking upstairs and immediately followed him quietly.

Great, he also lives on the second floor, but on the left side.

She stayed in the corridor and watched Zhu Qixiong enter, and immediately followed him. After seeing the room number clearly, she slipped back to Lan Lan's bedroom and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Zhu Qixiong has never been able to resist Shen Ning. If she dresses up and appears in front of him as Shen Ning, he will definitely be ecstatic.

 Then, after she enjoys it, she can take some photos to blackmail Shen Ning.

What made her most regretful was that the last time they were in that guest room, even though she took off his clothes and tried her best, Zhu Qixiong, who had taken too many medications, never completed **** with her, which made her I have always regretted it.

Tonight, God simply gave her a good opportunity, and she couldn’t miss it!

After Zhu Qixiong returned to the guest room, he took off his suit and went to take a shower. Zhang Xiaoxian's coquettish and shy face flashed in his mind, a slight smile appeared on the corners of his lips, and a boiling power suddenly rose up in his body. A strength that I had never felt before, like a new life.

 For the first time, he felt that life was very beautiful, and even the air was sweet.

 After a while, he finished taking a shower and came to the bedside. He was about to lie down and send a message to Zhang Xiaoxian.

 Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

 He sat up immediately.

Who else will come so late? It can’t be Zhang Xiaoxian!

 “Who is it?” he asked.

“Qixiong, it’s me.” Sure enough, a woman’s voice came from the door.

He was stunned for a moment, but he didn't recognize who it was.

 But Zhang Xiaoxian was the only one with him in the past few days. She must have come to find him. He was delighted and immediately opened the door.

At the door of the room, a delicate and beautiful woman was standing at the door, smiling at him.

"Ning Ning, it's you?" Soon, he screamed in surprise.

"It's me, what's wrong? Master Zhu, don't you welcome me?" Shen Mei pursed her lips slightly and asked weakly.

"No, no, how could it be?" Zhu Qixiong immediately denied with a smile.

"Then why don't you let me in?" Shen Mei glanced at him coquettishly, signaling for him to let her in.

 “Okay, come in.” Zhu Qixiong suddenly became at a loss.

Shen Mei pushed him away with her pointed index finger and walked in swaggeringly.

"Ning Ning, why haven't you rested so late? Where is Mr. Li?" Today was the second night of her wedding to Li Zhenting. How could she still have time to come to him? He asked with a smile.

"No rush, he has something to do and has gone out." She replied casually, standing in front of him, looking at him lovingly with her eyes.

Zhu Qixiong was stunned.

Shen Ning, what do you mean by this? When she saw him in the past, even if he wanted to get closer, she would always keep an appropriate distance from him. It was not as close as now.

 Besides, it was her wedding night to Li Zhenting! She actually came to her like this, not avoiding suspicion at all!

What's the meaning?

"Ning Ning, what do you want from me?" he asked with great effort, taking several steps back involuntarily.

"Master Zhu, look at what you said, can't I come to you?" Shen Mei looked at the man's white skin and strong physique, and her mouth had long been drooling. Now she couldn't even pretend anymore. She touched his chest with her hand and said delicately, "Didn't you like me very much before? Why are you pretending?"

Zhu Qixiong was stunned, completely stunned!

 Are you going crazy?

 When did Shen Ning become so frivolous? She and Li Zhenting were newly married!

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