Shen Ning and her children stayed with the old man and his wife at Li's old house for more than an hour. Seeing that they were a little tired, Shen Ning took her children and left home.

As soon as I got home, I saw Li Wanqing walking in from the outside with a cold face.

 “Mom.” Shen Ning immediately stepped forward to greet her warmly.

Just when she was at Li's old house, she heard that Li Wanqing had passed by. She was thinking of coming back with her, but she couldn't find anyone. It turned out that she had come back on her own.

"Yeah." Li Wanqing glanced at her, said coldly, "Yeah," and went to greet the children, leaving her alone.

Shen Ning didn't care either. She smiled and watched the children and grandma getting into a ball, feeling very happy in her heart.

 Li Wanqing loves her children, which is obvious to all.

It was time for Xixi and Beibei to drink milk powder. She followed Aunt Dong upstairs to get busy. After a while, she came down with two prepared milk powder bottles.

"Shen Ning, what's going on with Lan Lan? Why did you drive her out of the car halfway?" As soon as she went down and fed the bottles into the two children's mouths, and watched them wolfing them down with a smile, she heard Li Wanqing He asked with a cold face from the side.

She was startled and turned her head.

Lan Lan was sitting next to Li Wanqing and looking at her maliciously.

She immediately understood that Lan Lan was complaining to Li Wanqing.

"Mom, Lanlan slapped Xixi for no reason. Not only does she have no regrets, she also has a very bad attitude. I can't help it. Xixi is so young, so I have to seek justice for her." Shen Ning replied helplessly.

Li Wanqing said with a sullen face: "Lan Lan said that you gave all the delicious snacks to Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao, and refused to give them to her. She beat Xi Xi in revenge for you. Lan Lan is just a child, and she is also our Li family. "My granddaughter, and you are an adult, even her stepmother, how can you do this? No matter what, you must treat everyone equally, otherwise, the child will easily do extreme things when he is still young."

Shen Ning was stunned. Lanlan actually complained like this!

The children took out the snacks and ate them together. No one said not to give them to her. She even gave her a piece of Swiss roll.

 But now she actually said that she would not give her snacks, which is really confusing the right and wrong.

“No, grandma, my mommy gave it to her, and we didn’t say we wouldn’t give it to her. She hit my sister on purpose.”

Xiao Xiao was not happy after hearing this, and immediately defended Shen Ning.

"Yes, madam." Xiao Li also spoke from the side to confirm Xiao Xiao's statement.

"Xiao Xiao, go do your homework quickly." Li Wanqing ordered Xiao Xiao with a serious face.

Xiao Xiao curled her lips and didn’t want to go.

 “Go.” Shen Ning saw that Li Wanqing was very angry, so she pushed Xiaoxiao.

Xiao Xiao glanced at Mommy worriedly before leaving reluctantly.

"Shen Ning, even if you didn't mean that. But Lan Lan did such an extreme act to express her happiness because she was ignored. You are an adult and you have to take full responsibility. Moreover, even if Lan Lan made a mistake, you can't I threw her out of the car on the street. What if something happens? Can you take responsibility?" Li Wanqing asked aggressively.

"Mom, I didn't abandon her on the street, I just didn't want her to be with my children. As long as she was around, she would always have trouble with the children. I just wanted Xiao Li to take a taxi to bring her back. " Shen Ning explained patiently and feebly.

"Hey, the more you treat Lan Lan like this, the more dissatisfied she will be with you. The children will not be able to live in harmony in the future. The children are still young, so there is no need to have an overnight feud. Let them fight together, adults. Just give him some kind guidance. How can you isolate a child like this? This will only make Lan Lan feel sad. Originally, you are all a family in this family. She is the only one without a mommy. She is also human if she feels uncomfortable. It's only natural that you, an elder, not only don't comfort her at this time, but also isolate her in order to protect your own children. What do you want her to think?" Li Wanqing just scolded her without asking.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I will pay attention to it in the future." Shen Ning could not defend herself. Just as Li Wanqing said, Lanlan is still a small and vulnerable group. She should be the focus of attention, and she and the children have received enough attention from Li Zhenting. Love, she should be polite to Lanlan, so she could only apologize.

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