"Shen Ning, Shen Ning, I think you are a very good person. I don't know why you have become like this now. You lie constantly, promise me things and then go back on your words. You can't even tolerate a child, so how can you do it? What about other people's stepmothers? You have to know that our Li family is the richest family. We must not only pay attention to our social image, but also avoid negative scandals. Otherwise, our family will be ruined in a minute. Every move we make must be within the standard. You can't go out of your way, and you can't let anything bad happen to people, understand?" Li Wanqing said with a heartbroken lesson.

Shen Ning stood blankly, speechless as she listened to her mother-in-law's lecture.

Just then a nanny came over with tea. When she bent down, she accidentally put the tea cup on its side and some tea was poured out.

"What's wrong with you? You can't hold a cup of tea, so what are you going to eat? Are all our Li family members idle?" Li Wanqing stood up and immediately scolded the nanny, then picked up the cup and threw it **** the ground and left angrily.

 The tea cup fell to the ground and broke into pieces, and the tea splashed all over Shen Ning's trousers.

 Shen Ning's face turned pale and he was dumbfounded.

Everyone can see that although Li Wanqing threw the teacup out of anger at the nanny, in reality, it was just for Shen Ning to see and directed at her.

At this point, Li Wanqing didn't like Shen Ning, and even lost his temper with Shen Ning, and the news of angrily scolding her spread in Li's castle.

As for why Li Wanqing, who has always been gentle and never loses her temper, and has excellent self-cultivation, treats Shen Ning like this, no one knows the reason!

 In the guest room upstairs.

Shen Ning sat on the bed, tears streaming down her face.

 Li Wanqing's anger towards her made her extremely painful and sad!

Aunt Dong stood on the stairs and saw all this, her whole heart froze.

In the past, when Li Zhenting was not good to Shen Ning, he still had his mother-in-law to protect him, and he would be somewhat warm. But now Li Wanqing's attitude towards her has completely changed. Can he still stay in this family?

  Hey, it’s really hard to guess the hearts of rich people! It’s uncertain!

"Ning Ning, don't be sad, it's not good for your health." Aunt Dong gently patted Shen Ning on the shoulder and comforted her. "Aunt Dong, please, please don't leave, please stay here with me? I'm afraid." Shen Ning snuggled into her arms, tears streaming down her face.

Aunt Dong originally planned to leave here tomorrow, but now seeing Shen Ning's pain, she felt very sad and didn't feel comfortable leaving.

 She has watched this girl grow up. Now she has no natal family, and her life is so difficult in her in-laws' family. What will happen to her if she leaves?

 She decided to stay and help her.

"Don't cry, child, I will stay with you. Don't worry, Aunt Dong will take care of everything." She used a tissue to gently wipe the tears on her face, comforting her.

"Thank you, Aunt Dong." Shen Ning lay on her shoulder with tears in her eyes.

Aunt Dong gently stroked her head.

"Ning Ning, your mother-in-law used to be a very open-minded person and was very kind to you. Now she suddenly becomes like this. Something must have happened or there must be some misunderstanding. Let's pay more attention in the future. She is dissatisfied with you in any aspect, and then we will change it. You should be more filial to her as much as possible and care about her more. People's hearts are full of flesh. As long as the misunderstanding is eliminated, she will definitely treat you as well as before. Yes, after all, you gave birth to five children for the Li family and are her only daughter-in-law, so she has no reason to treat you badly." Aunt Dong analyzed this.

 “Okay, I understand.” Shen Ning nodded.

Since ancient times, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been difficult to get along with. If you want to handle the relationship well, you have to work hard to win her favor.

 She has been without a mother for a long time. I wish Li Wanqing could still treat her as a daughter like before.

 She decided to behave well starting from tomorrow and try her best to please Li Wanqing.

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