“Mom.” Li Zhenting’s voice became louder, “How could you say that about Shen Ning?”

"She is that kind of woman. I am being honest and did not slander her." Li Wanqing shot back.

"Mom, you are really unreasonable." Li Zhenting was very angry, "I already understand what happened today. It was Lanlan who hit Xixi first. It was her fault. Shen Ning was right to handle it that way. Lanlan has always been a willful and domineering person. The little devil's behavior is getting more and more erratic now, and her attitude is even worse. If I don't deal with her, she will become more lawless. I was not here at the time. If I were here, I would also teach her a lesson, and I would also teach her a lesson. What's worse, Shen Ning just wants to avoid conflicts. Don't you know, Lan Lan bit Shen Ning's hand a few days ago. If you protect her like this, you will only hurt her."

Li Wanqing looked at her son's angry expression and lowered her head in silence.

She knew better than anyone what happened to Lan Lan, but what Shen Ning did violated the most basic moral principles. How could she endure it?

"Zhen Ting, you didn't listen to me at the beginning, otherwise, this would never have happened." After a while, she spoke sadly.

"Mom, am I right to listen to you? What about the children? What should I do?" Li Zhenting was excited, "Shen Ning has suffered so much because of me. She gave birth to five children for our family. Now She was injured and her memory was lost. If I leave her behind, will I still be a human being?"

 “But she...”

"Mom, if you don't like Shen Ning or you still treat her like this in the future, then I can only take her and the children away from here." Li Zhenting interrupted her and declared solemnly.

"Zhen Ting, do you even want your mother?" Li Wanqing turned blue and shed tears, "Zhen Ting, do you think your mother wants this? There is nothing you can do about it. I am thinking about you and the Li family."

 She didn't know whether to tell him about Shen Ning and Zhu Qixiong's messing around again, and she was even more afraid that he wouldn't be able to bear the blow.

“Also, Mom, I’m going to send Lan Lan to study abroad.” Li Zhenting then said, “I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, and I’ve made the decision a long time ago.”

Li Wanqing's eyes widened: "Zhen Ting, Lan Lan is your daughter too."

"I know that just because she is my daughter, I want to send her to school so that she can get an education and change her bad habits. From tomorrow on, I will go to her school and find a good teacher for a month. Send it over later.”

“Zhen Ting, Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao will not be sent, but Lan Lan will be sent. She is still young and will be worried.”

"Wrong, if she continues to stay in this home, she will have trouble in her heart. I have already decided, you don't need to say anything." After Li Zhenting said that, he turned around and left. When he walked to the door, he turned back and said, "Mom, I still say the same thing, if you don't like Ning Ning and want to make things difficult for her, then I will take her and the children to live outside."

 He finished speaking and strode away.

Li Wanqing couldn't lift it up in one breath and almost died.

 A bright moon hangs high in the night sky.

 In the corridor.

Shen Ning stood holding the railing, his eyes filled with sadness.

 Such a life is not what she wants, so what does her persistence mean?

 Suddenly, at this moment, she had never wanted to know her past and regain her memory.

 She wanted to know whether her choice was wrong or right!

"Ning Ning." The door opened and Li Zhenting walked in. He didn't see Shen Ning in the bedroom, so he started looking everywhere until he came to the balcony and saw her standing there lonely. Instantly, he felt pity in his heart. With heartache, he hugged her from behind.

Shen Ning closed her eyes.

"Ning Ning." Li Zhenting hugged her into his arms, lowered his head to kiss her cold face, and embraced her completely with his broad chest.

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