"Shanshan." Shen Ning's face gradually became flushed with happiness, and she couldn't help but hugged his neck.

 The two hugged and kissed each other sweetly.

Li Zhenting couldn't wait to pick her up and walk to the bed... That night, he was gentle and considerate, and extremely heroic, while she was as tender as water and as glue as paint.

 A good night goes by so fast.

 When I opened my eyes, it was another golden sunny day.

 Shen Ning felt the warmth and sweetness in Li Zhenting's deep love and forgot those unpleasant things.

 Early in the morning, she dragged her aching legs to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone.

 She made thin-skinned crystal dumplings, cooked polenta, and made a large table of fragrant pastries. Everyone had something to eat and drink.

When Li Zhenting woke up, he didn't see Shen Ning beside him. He stretched out his hand and touched it. The sheets next to him were cold, indicating that she had been up long ago.

 Last night, they worked tirelessly... He got up quickly.

 In the kitchen, Shen Ning was busy, and Aunt Dong was helping out next to her, and everything was in full swing.

"Ning Ning, why did you get up so early to make breakfast? Go up and have a rest. Just leave this to the person in charge of the kitchen." Li Zhenting immediately stepped forward, hugged her from behind, and said distressedly.

"It doesn't matter. The children said the food I cooked was delicious, so I will cook it for you. Besides, mom also likes the food." Shen Ning smiled slightly.

"But it's too hard for you. Our young mistress of the Li family doesn't need to do this work. You just need to take care of the children." Li Zhenting was still unwilling to let Shen Ning do the housework himself.

“You have to be more careful about what you eat. Don’t worry, I have my own sense of discretion. I won’t get tired.” Shen Ning smiled, but still refused to put down what he was doing.

"Then let me help you." Li Zhenting had no choice but to let go of Shen Ning and started to help her.

Shen Ning didn't want him to help, but he could either pull Shen Ning up together, or he would help. In desperation, she had no choice but to agree.

Aunt Dong smiled and stepped aside, leaving the space to the couple. Li Wanqing saw this scene when she came over. The young couple were busy in the kitchen, dividing the work and cooperating very well.

Her eyes were a little moist. At this moment, she seemed to see the old Shen Ning again, virtuous, gentle, diligent and considerate. This was the picture of loving love between her son and daughter-in-law that she had always dreamed of.


“Mom, come and have breakfast.” Shen Ning turned around with the prepared breakfast and saw Li Wanqing standing at the door of the kitchen, and immediately greeted her affectionately.

“Okay, thank you for your hard work.” She replied and walked over.

 At this time, Sister Wang and the children also came down from upstairs.

 The family gathered around the dining table and had a hearty breakfast, which was very warm and loving.

 After breakfast, Li Zhenting and Shen Ning sent the children to the kindergarten. When they got off the car, Li Zhenting called Lan Lan aside and said to her seriously:

"Lan Lan, you write a letter of reflection and repentance today, and apologize to your Aunt Shen Ning and Xiao Xiao for your behavior yesterday. Otherwise, from now on, you will be taken to and from school by Aunt Li alone, and Daddy will not I’ll pick you up again.”

When Lan Lan heard this, she was frightened and burst into tears.

 “I’m sorry, Daddy, I let you down.”

"You didn't disappoint me, but you made your Aunt Shen Ning disappointed and sad. She tried every means to make you happy, but it was wrong for you to treat her like that. You must apologize to her. At the same time, you also hurt the little girl. Xiao, you burned a big part of her arm. Think about it, if it were you who got burned, wouldn't you be hurt and sad? Lanlan, you have to remember, if you just let daddy down, , Daddy can forgive you, but your current behavior has hurt many people and cannot be forgiven, understand?" Li Zhenting said seriously.

"Okay, Daddy, I'll correct it." Lan Lan immediately nodded in agreement.

"This time, you must sincerely change. If you don't change, then daddy will keep his word." Li Zhenting knew her nature and explained it again and again.

 “Don’t worry, Daddy, I will change it.”

 “Well, let’s go in.” Li Zhenting nodded.

 When he saw the children all going in, he turned around and got into the car.

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