"Shanshan, I'll take a taxi back. You go to work quickly. Don't be late." Shen Ning refused to get in the car for fear of delaying his time to go to work.

"No, it's not safe to take a taxi, and it's early." Li Zhenting refused and insisted on sending Shen Ning home.

Shen Ning had no choice but to get in the car and follow him back.

Actually, Shen Ning wanted to go to Shaw's Villa and retrieve her past memories. Aunt Dong had told her some things about her past life in the past few days, so she wanted to go and have a look.

Li Zhenting went to work after sending her home.

The house has become much cleaner after the children went to kindergarten. The weather outside is very good. Shen Ning thought about taking the little ones to the garden to bask in the sun and take a walk.

"Ning Ning." After she pushed the two-seater stroller for a while, she saw Li Wanqing walking towards her. Under the warm sunshine, her face was not so serious, and even a little friendly.

 “Mom.” She smiled at her.

"Ning Ning, Xixi and Beibei are so happy." The two little guys stared at their calves in the stroller. Li Wanqing came forward and bent over to tease the two little guys. The two little guys grinned. Smiling at her, her heart melted.

“Yes, they like to go out for a walk.” Shen Ning agreed with a smile.

After a while, Li Wanqing stood up and pushed the trolley with Shen Ning. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law walked and chatted.

"Ning Ning, do you remember Zhu Qixiong?" Li Wenqing asked deliberately, looking at Shen Ning's face.

Zhu Qixiong?

Shen Ning was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that on the night of the wedding, when she and Li Zhenting were stopped by the group of friends to drink, it was Zhu Qixiong who stood in front of them and allowed them to escape smoothly, and she smiled at the moment.

 “Remember, he is very enthusiastic.”

Li Wanqing asked calmly: "Is he just very enthusiastic?" "Yes." Shen Ning nodded and said frankly, "I heard from Aunt Dong that he and I used to be good friends."

Li Wanqing narrowed her eyes: "What about now?"

"Because I forgot about him, and now I have no contact with him." Shen Ning was a little embarrassed, because she had forgotten her friends now due to her amnesia.

 “Is there really no contact?”

"Of course." Shen Ning smiled, "I have to take care of the children every day now and I don't have time to contact him. If I recover my memory one day, I still want to contact him. After all, we are all friends."

 She has no distracting thoughts and speaks frankly.

Li Wanqing looked at her, thought for a moment, and said, "Ning Ning, if you need anything in the future, just ask. I'm sorry for my attitude towards you yesterday, and I hope you won't take it to heart."

The gloom in Shen Ning's heart disappeared immediately, she took Li Wanqing's hand and said sincerely: "Mom, you are the elder, why should I care? Besides, you also think about this family, you taught Shanshan so well , for allowing me to have a husband who loves me so much, it’s not too late for me to thank you. If I do something bad in the future, just point it out and I will definitely correct it with an open mind.”

"Yeah. Good boy." For a moment, Li Wanqing was also very moved. Isn't this kind of daughter-in-law what she dreamed of? It would be great if that didn't happen.

"Okay, we are a family that loves each other. Let's work hard for this family together, so that Zhen Ting can devote all his energy to his career and carry forward the Li family's family business." Li Wanqing tightened Shen's hand. Ning's hand, the two looked at each other and smiled.

 In the study.

 Li Wanqing stood in front of the window and fell into deep thought.

How could Shen Ning, who was gentle and filial and newly married to her son, seduce Zhu Qixiong again? There must be something wrong here!

Moreover, these pictures were sent to her by Liang Ruqi. That woman has absolutely no good intentions!

Li Wanqing has also been in the business world. She is not a short-sighted woman. She feels that some issues must be clarified as soon as possible and cannot be delayed any longer, otherwise bad things will happen.

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