“Lengxue, you have been sending people to keep an eye on Liang Ruqi these days, right?” Li Zhenting asked.

“Yes, Mr. Li, there are people watching every day.”

 “Did she do anything unusual?”

"No, she has been very contented during this period and has not done anything extraordinary. However, she has been thinking of ways to bail Rao Yajing out, so she is busy with this matter."

Li Zhenting narrowed his eagle eyes.

"Okay, I understand. You continue to keep an eye on her. If she behaves at all abnormally, report it to me immediately."

 “I know.” Lengxue turned around and walked out.

Li Zhenting put his hand on his forehead, his head aching, and then turned on his phone to look at the pictures Li Wanqing sent him.

 The woman in the picture is exactly the same as Shen Ning, with bold and skillful movements.

 When did Shen Ning become like this?


 She was shy and reserved when she was with him, and would never be so wild!

 If not, where did these photos come from?

 He stood up and walked outside.

As soon as Zhu Qixiong got out of the car, a Rolls-Royce stopped in front of him.

 When he saw it, his face changed color.

 The car door opened and Li Zhenting got out.

"Zhu Qixiong, you actually want to run away?" Zhu Qixiong saw him and was about to leave. Li Zhenting stepped forward and stopped him with a stern look on his face.

"Mr. Li, what do you want from me?" Zhu Qixiong seemed to know the reason why Li Zhenting came to him, and his whole face was filled with fear.

Li Zhenting stared at his face, his eyes getting colder and colder.

"Don't you know? Don't you have any idea?" He said sharply.

"I don't know." Zhu Qixiong decided to test his words first. He still didn't want anyone to know about the disgraceful things that night, especially Li Zhenting, which was related to Shen Ning's happiness.

"Hmph, it seems you stopped crying after seeing the coffin." Li Zhenting took out his mobile phone and sent him a few pictures, "Take a good look at it yourself." Zhu Qixiong opened it and took only one look, his face turned pale.

"Zhu Qixiong, you once promised me that you would never associate with Shen Ning again. What's going on? Do you think I can't do anything to you?" Li Zhenting grabbed the clothes on his chest and gritted his teeth.

"Mr. Li, please calm down and listen to me first." Zhu Qixiong asked, holding his hand.

"If you have anything to say, say it quickly." Li Zhenting pushed him away, his anger was like a murderous knife, and he wanted to cut him into pieces.

“Mr. Li, nothing happened that night, except that Ning Ning came to see me. I always refused, and we didn’t do anything.”

“So it’s true? Are those photos real?”

"That's true. The photo was just a part stolen. It can't be believed." Zhu Qixiong admitted with a grimace.

Li Zhenting’s fingers clenched into fists: “What day did this happen?”

"On the night of your wedding, I slept in the guest room on the second floor. Shen Ning came to see me that night."

Li Zhenting took a few steps back, swayed, and almost fainted.

He thought about it. He had indeed drunk too much on his wedding night. As soon as he got back, he lay on the bed and fell asleep. Unexpectedly, Shen Ning went to find Zhu Qixiong. Isn't this an insult to him?

For a moment, he couldn't bear the blow, and his whole person fell into despair.

"Mr. Li, don't worry about this. Shen Ning only did this because she lost her memory and had hallucinations. We didn't do anything that night. She left soon after."

“Is it caused by amnesia?” Li Zhenting’s eyes were scarlet.

"Yes, Shen Ning said that she forgot everything and somehow walked into my guest room and did those things to me. She didn't mean it. You must tolerate her and treat her well. She is pitiful enough. "Zhu Qixiong looked at the terrifying Li Zhenting's face and immediately explained for Shen Ning.

Even though he felt it didn't make sense, he sincerely hoped that Shen Ning could be happy.

Li Zhenting was stunned. The anger in his eyes gradually faded away, and his whole body wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost.

 Yes, she lost her memory. Maybe there was some error in her memory that led to her abnormal behavior!

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