“In that case, who took these photos?” After a long time, Li Zhenting asked with a sullen face.

 “She took the photo herself.” Zhu Qixiong was very frustrated.

 “Why didn’t you stop it?”

“I drank medicine and couldn’t move.”

“Then how did these photos get into Liang Ruqi’s hands?” Li Zhenting was very confused.

Zhu Qixiong asked in surprise: "Does Liang Ruqi know about this?"

“Yes, not only did she know about it, she also sent the photo to my mother.”

"Oh my god." Zhu Qixiong had a headache and was secretly worried about Shen Ning.

 Wouldn’t this cost her her life?

"Li Zhenting, let me tell you, Shen Ning and I have never done anything. She just came to me after losing her memory and hallucinating. She doesn't even know what she is doing. If you feel sorry for her and blame her for this, I will definitely not I'll let you go." Zhu Qixiong grabbed the clothes on Li Zhenting's chest and threatened him viciously.

Li Zhenting pushed him away fiercely: "You know what's going on, otherwise, I will make the Zhu Group disappear forever."

 He turned around and got into the car, and the car drove out.

 Fortunately, Zhu Qixiong kept the bottom line, otherwise, he really didn't know how to face Shen Ning!

 It seems that before Shen Ning's memory is restored, he must send someone to follow her to prevent such a thing from happening again!


How did Liang Ruqi have those photos? It seemed that this woman had been secretly watching them. This vicious woman wanted to let Shen Ning fall into hell.

That day was their wedding night. Liang Ruqi did come to attend their wedding banquet. It can be explained that those photos were taken.

Li Zhenting breathed a sigh of relief and drove directly back to Li's Castle.

Shen Ning is busy in the kitchen. She wants to cook lunch for Li Wanqing herself to show her filial piety.

Li Zhenting stood at the door of the kitchen, watching Shen Ning carefully making delicious food, very focused, and couldn't help but feel dizzy for a moment. His woman is so beautiful, but she cannot be related to the woman in the photo. There is only one reason: she has lost her memory, and she doesn’t even know what she is doing.

"Shanshan, why are you back?" After a while, Shen Ning felt someone looking at her from behind and turned her head. Sure enough, Li Zhenting was standing at the door of the kitchen looking at her. She was surprised and ran towards him.

"Ning Ning." Li Zhenting stretched out his arms and hugged her.

 A feeling of intoxication rose from the bottom of his heart. Li Zhenting hugged her and kissed her, as if she had become a part of his body and could never be separated.

 He took a breath, glad that he was not deceived by the illusion of those photos and could still have their love.

"Shanshan, are you okay when you come back?" Shen Ning leaned in his arms for a while, then raised her head and asked with a smile.

"Ning Ning, I miss you and want to come back to see you and the children." Li Zhenting said affectionately.

"Xixi and Beibei are asleep. I made soup. You can have lunch at home when you come back." Shen Ning's face was blushing shyly, and her heart was sweet. How could she not be happy if her husband missed her so much? .

"Okay." Li Zhenting put his arm around Shen Ning's waist and walked to the dining table. "Ning Ning, lend me your cell phone. I'll make a call. I forgot to bring my cell phone back."

"Okay." Shen Ning immediately took out his cell phone, unlocked it, and handed it to Li Zhenting without any grudge.

“I’m going to make a call outside.” Li Zhenting picked up the phone and walked outside.

It was very strange that no matter how he checked Shen Ning's mobile phone, he could not find the photos she had taken. It seemed that after she woke up, she felt embarrassed and deleted those photos.

 He had no choice but to walk in with his cell phone.

Li Wanqing happened to come over and saw her son suddenly returning home. She understood in her heart, but she didn't tell him anything. The family had dinner.

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