"Mom, I have found out the facts. Shen Ning did go to Zhu Qixiong that night because of hallucinations due to memory loss, but Zhu Qixiong was awake and he rejected her. They did nothing that night." Li Zhenting called Li Wanqing Go to the study and speak solemnly.

 “That’s it.” Li Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief.

So, Li Zhenting told the whole story according to Zhu Qixiong's words, and finally said: "Mom, we should give Shen Ning more care and let her recover her memory as soon as possible. Otherwise, she will not be able to control herself. Next, I still have to Invite Ji Qingshan to see her, I believe that as long as we work together, she will get better."

"Yeah." Li Wanqing agreed with her son's opinion, "It's just that Liang Ruqi, if she sends those photos out, it will be detrimental to you and the Li Group."

“Don’t worry, I have my own way, she won’t be able to let it out.” Li Zhenting’s eyes flashed coldly and he immediately replied.

"That's good, I also hope everything is safe." Li Wanqing felt relieved when her son said this, and the matter was finally over.

  Shen family.

"Meimei, please stay at home during this period and don't go to Li's Castle again." In the bedroom, Shen Mei was dressing up and preparing to sneak into Li's Castle tonight, when Lan Feiyun came over and stopped her.

 “Mom, why?”

"Let me tell you, Liang Ruqi somehow found out about your seduction of Zhu Qixiong that night, and took a lot of photos. She sent them directly to Li Wanqing. Now Li Zhenting is investigating the matter thoroughly. Don't show your face. Everything hasn't started yet, we haven't caught anything, and once we are discovered, it will be over." Lan Feiyun said solemnly.

"Let me go, this dead old woman is following us, it's so sinister." Shen Mei was so angry that she went crazy.

"Yes, Liang Ruqi, this **** old woman, is cunning enough. Otherwise, she would not be able to gain a foothold in a wealthy family. Look, Shen Ning married into the Li family and was played around. She has now lost her memory and has given birth to several children. I have endured all kinds of hardships, and let me tell you, people in wealthy families are not bad, they will only get worse, so let’s stay out of the limelight for the time being.”

 “Okay, that’s all.” Shen Mei was discouraged.

Lan Feiyun also had nothing to do with Liang Ruqi.

 Until now, she felt that Liang Ruqi was scarier than she imagined.

 Next, because Shen Mei did not sneak into Li's castle, nor did she instigate Lan Lan to deal with Shen Ning. Li Wanqing corrected her attitude towards Shen Ning, and the whole family became harmonious and lived a peaceful life.

Li Zhenting and Shen Ning were newly married, and the couple had a very good relationship. Not only did that incident not separate them, but it made Li Zhenting cherish Shen Ning even more.

In order to restore Shen Ning's memory as soon as possible, Li Zhenting asked Ji Qingshan to come over and see Shen Ning twice a week.

This afternoon, Shen Ning was having fun with Xixi and Beibei. Suddenly, the door opened.

 A girl broke in.

“Cousin sister-in-law.” Li Jiaojiao smiled.

“Jiaojiao, it’s you.” Shen Ning was surprised to see it was Li Jiaojiao.

“Cousin, I miss you so much, come here to see you and the babies.” Li Jiaojiao patted her rainbow fart.

 “Thank you, we miss you too.”

"Really?" Li Jiaojiao was pleasantly surprised. She had always been disliked in the Li family, but she didn't expect that anyone would miss her.

"Others don't know if it's true, but I really miss you." Shen Ning touched her cheek and smiled.

"I knew my cousin-in-law was the best to me." Li Jiaojiao hugged her and kissed her, and then asked in a low voice: "Cousin-in-law, did you find the crown last time?"

“It’s all lost, can I still find it?” Shen Ning shook his head.

“That’s really strange. Who stole it?” Li Jiaojiao gritted her teeth.

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