In the afternoon, Shen Ning and Butler Luo picked up the children.

 Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao gather around to play games.

Lanlan sat alone and played with her mobile phone.

"Coco, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, Lan Lan is your sister. You should love her and call her when playing games. But you can't isolate her and make her feel lonely. Do you understand?" Shen Ning Educating the children nearby.

After all, Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao have three people playing together, and Lan Lan is indeed the loneliest in this family. The child is still young, so it is easy for him to have ideas.

 She doesn’t want to see this situation!

"Mommy, she always cheats when playing games. She can't lose, and she's not strong enough. I really can't play with her. Moreover, she often bullies Xiaoxiao and treats Xiaoxiao badly. Xiaoxiao doesn't like her either." Coco looked helpless.

“Hmph, I don’t want to play with you. It’s annoying to look at you.” Lan Lan glanced at Coco and raised her head proudly.

“See, that’s just how good she is.” Tintin shrugged, “There’s nothing we can do about her.”

Shen Ning looked at their incompatible looks and shook his head.

There is no way, Lan Lan is too difficult to get along with, maybe she will change when she is older and more sensible.

 She went to take Xixi and Beibei.

 Lan Lan was sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone boredly, hearing cocoa and little laughter in her ears from time to time. She felt very uncomfortable and would glare at them from time to time.

 After a while, her phone and watch rang.

 When she saw it, it was mommy calling.

 Immediately stood up and walked outside.


“Lan Lan, who is around you?”

 “No one, I’m out.”

"You're so good. Remember, every time mommy calls you from now on, don't let anyone else be around you. If anyone is, hang up the phone. Do you understand?" "Okay, I understand, mommy, I miss you." .”

"Lan Lan, Mommy misses you too. Don't worry, I will come to see you in the next few days." Shen Mei suddenly lowered her voice and said: "Lan Lan, Mommy wants to tell you something now. From now on, whenever you find that your Aunt Shen Ning has gone out or she is not at home, tell me immediately."


“Only in this way can Mommy come to see you dressed as herself, and you can also see Mommy, understand?”

"Oh, okay." Lan Lan didn't understand anything, so she had to agree.

“Then Mommy is waiting for news from you.”


At this time, Shen Ning, who was holding Beibei, didn't see Lan Lan in the living room. She was a little anxious. She didn't know where the little girl would go, so she hurriedly looked for it. When she came out, she saw Lan Lan talking outside with her phone and watch. Then he immediately asked:

“Lanlan, what are you doing outside? It’s so cold, come in and talk.”

Lan Lan was startled, put her watch behind her, and looked at her warily.

Shen Ning smiled: "Are you on the phone?"

Lan Lan stared at her and didn't answer.

Shen Ning said kindly: "Just make the call at home, it will be cold outside."

But I felt funny in my heart. How old is this little girl? She actually has a secret, and she doesn't want others to hear it when she calls her.

"Let's go, it's time to eat, come in quickly." Shen Ning took her arm and brought her in.

“Lanlan, are you talking to your classmates?”

"Huh." Lan Lan snorted coldly. She wouldn't tell her. If she did, she wouldn't be able to see her mother. "I won't tell you."

"Okay, Auntie won't ask anymore." Shen Ning smiled, because during this period, Lan Lan was quite obedient, so she would think of saying a few words to her, even if she didn't want to tell her , of course she would not ask further questions.

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