"Shen Ning, why hasn't Zhenting come home today? Is he not at home for dinner?" When it was almost time to eat dinner, Li Wanqing had not seen Li Zhenting come back, so she couldn't help but ask.

Shen Ning remembered what Li Zhenting said when he went out early in the morning, and shook his head: "I don't know yet. I didn't answer his phone call."

Li Wanqing said: "Then let's eat first. He probably didn't eat at home. The children are hungry. Eat early and let them rest. He, a grown man, cannot be hungry."


 Shen Ning and Li Wanqing took the children to have dinner.

 Halfway through dinner, Shen Ning's WeChat message rang.

 She picked it up and saw that it was a WeChat message from Li Zhenting.

“Mom, Zhenting is on a business trip and it may take half a month before he can come home.” Shen Ning looked at the WeChat message and said to Li Wanqing.

“It’s been so long. Why does it take so long?”

"I don't know. He didn't say anything. He just asked me to take care of the children and not to worry about him."

“Well, okay, there are a lot of things in the company. He was always busy like this before, and he spends more time with you during this time, so he must have delayed some things.”

Shen Ning smiled and nodded.

 The children were very disappointed when they heard that their father would not be able to go home for half a month, especially Xiaoxiao.

 She didn’t have a father when she was very young, and now she is finally able to be with him, but he suddenly became so busy that he couldn’t be seen for half a month.

“Mommy, why is Daddy so busy? Doesn’t he miss us after not coming home for so long?” She said she didn’t understand.

Shen Ning smiled: "There are a lot of things in Daddy's company. He is the president, and there are tens of thousands of employees who have to eat, and he has a lot of responsibilities. So, in the future, you all need to know something and study hard. Be obedient and stop pestering your daddy all the time, do you understand?"

 “Yes, I understand.” Xiaoxiao nodded sensibly.

Lan Lan took a few bites of food and then walked upstairs. As soon as she ran into her bedroom, she locked the door.

 She took out her mobile phone and dialed Shen Mei's number.

“Mommy, let me tell you, Daddy is on a business trip and won’t be home until half a month.”

Shen Mei was startled. What's all this? She was still waiting to make love with Li Zhenting, but he went on a business trip right away!

 It will take half a month!

"How did you know?"

“Daddy just sent a message to Aunt Shen Ning.”

"Okay, you're so good, I know." Shen Mei smiled, said some caring words to Lan Lan, and then hung up the phone.

 “What’s wrong?” Lan Feiyun asked from the side.

"Li Zhenting is on a business trip and won't be back for half a month." Shen Mei said with a dark face.

Lan Feiyun smiled: "It's just a business trip. Maybe things will be easier to handle if he's not here."

 “Why?” Shen Mei looked at her puzzled.

"Li Zhenting is so shrewd. If you show up next to him, I'm worried that he will find you soon. Now that he's not here, it's good for us to get some money to spend first." Lan Feiyun smiled weirdly.

 “Mom, how do I get money?”

"Isn't this difficult to handle? You are exactly the same as Shen Ning now. Li Zhenting dotes on her so much. Whatever you want is what Shen Ning wants. You can spend it as you please."

Shen Mei blinked and suddenly smiled.

“Okay, I’ll go see Lan Lan tomorrow night.”

"Meimei, how much money do you think we need to have in the future to live a free and happy life?" Lan Feiyun leaned back on the sofa, lit a cigarette, took a puff and spit it out, and the smoke enveloped her face. , gloomy and unpredictable.

"Well, it must be a lot." Shen Mei tilted her head and thought, suddenly laughing, "Mom, just having money is not enough. Think about it, inflation is very strong now, and the money will be spent soon. We are Don’t we still need to get some real estate and shops?”

"That's right." Lan Feiyun exhaled smoke, "We not only want to make enough money for ourselves, but also want to make Lanlan a good life in the future. Come, take a look. I have printed out the specific plan. Come out, take a good look, if it’s not right, we two will try again.”

 “Okay.” Shen Mei took it and looked at it carefully.

 I'm sorry, I have to go to the hospital for surgery tomorrow. This year has been very miserable. There will be less updates next time. I'm crying!

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