Coco opened the door and looked up, and saw Mommy standing at the door holding Lan Lan's hand with an expressionless face.

 He was stunned for a moment.

 Why is Mommy standing here holding the hand of this annoying Lan Lan? Shouldn't she be holding the little hand?

“Mommy.” However, he was very happy to see Mommy and immediately called out with a smile.

"Hmm." Shen Mei just said a faint "Hmm" and walked in holding Lan Lan's hand.

At this time, Lan Lan's back was straight, and she looked like a proud and powerful little princess when she passed by Coco. She would glance sideways at him from time to time and make a proud snort from her nose.

Keke stared at her with big eyes.

“Mommy, what are you doing here?” he asked with a smile.

Shen Mei just held Lan Lan's hand and walked to the middle of the bedroom, glanced around the room, and asked, "Keke, where is Ding Ding?"

"Mommy, I'm here." Ding Ding in the study had turned off the computer and was pretending to read with a comic book. When he heard Shen Mei's question, he immediately opened the study door and came over.

"Ding Ding, what are you doing over there?" Seeing Ding Ding being so obedient to Shen Ning, and remembering how indifferent he was when she was his mother, Shen Mei felt jealous and dissatisfied, and asked angrily.

"Mommy, Coco and I are reading over there. We are very obedient and will go to bed after a while." Ding Ding answered obediently with a smile on her face.

Shen Mei snorted coldly: "I think you and Keke must be playing games over there, are you messing around?"

“No.” Ding Ding seemed to be struck by what she said and avoided his eyes.

Shen Mei said coldly: "Okay, you can go to the study room and continue playing. I still have something to tell Coco."

She doesn't care if the two brothers are playing on the computer. She wishes they were useless. She doesn't care about what they are doing.

 All she cares about is Lanlan!

 “Okay.” Ding Ding agreed and turned around to leave.

 Coco stood there.

Lan Lan stood proudly next to her mother, holding her little head high and glaring at Coco condescendingly, as if to declare her status. "Keke, why do you always bully Lan Lan?" Soon, Shen Mei asked Keke seriously with a straight face.

 Keke was stunned.

“Mommy, I didn’t bully Lan Lan.”

"Yes, you are bullying me. In kindergarten, you played with Xiaomei every day and deliberately ignored me. You gave her all the good toys and delicious food but not me. You are bullying me." Shen Mei Before she could say anything, Lan Lan loudly complained about the evil behavior next to her.

Only then did Ke Ke understand her mother’s intention of bringing Lan Lan here.

"Please, is that called bullying? It's just my freedom. I can give it to whomever I like, and I can be friendly to whomever I want to be friends with. What does it have to do with you?" He retorted unconvinced and fiercely. He glared at Lan Lan.

Lan Lan immediately curled her lips and cried sadly: "Mommy, you see, this is how he bullies me, and he is not friendly to me at all."

Shen Mei shouted coldly: "Keke, you are bullying Lan Lan. It is your fault that you are not treating her well."

"Why? I'm not wrong!" Coco was immediately confused when her mother said this.

 What's wrong with him wanting to play with Xiaomei? Why are you bullying Lanlan by playing with Xiaomei and giving her toys?

"Because Lanlan is your sister, and Xiaomei is not yours. As a brother, you must give the best things to your sister, and you must be good to your sister and love her, especially in kindergarten. You You can only play with Lan Lan, not that little beauty." Shen Mei criticized harshly.

"But Mommy, the teacher said that we are all good classmates and we should love each other. I can play with anyone, not necessarily with Lan Lan." Keke really couldn't understand and retorted.

"Keke, it seems you don't listen to mommy anymore, right?" Shen Mei asked sharply with a cold light in her eyes.

 Keke was a little scared for a moment. He had rarely seen his mommy being so serious to him and criticizing him without asking for conditions. Normally, his mommy was very nice to him, and he was also a very obedient and good boy.

“Mommy, of course I listen to you.” He replied immediately.

"Then listen to me, you are not allowed to play with that little beauty from now on. You must play with Lan Lan. Moreover, you must give all the most fun and delicious food to Lan Lan, and you must not let her suffer at all. I feel wronged, do you understand?" Shen Mei ordered again sternly.

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