Coco stood stupidly.

 “Did you hear that?” Shen Mei asked sharply again.

"I heard it, Mommy." The little guy sniffed and replied aggrievedly.

"Keke, let me tell you, Lanlan will be your little princess from now on. You have to give her whatever she wants. You have to buy her whatever she wants to eat. No matter what, you have to follow her and protect her. She, we can't let her suffer even a little bit of grievance. If Lan Lan complains to me again in the future, I won't be as easy to talk to as tonight, and I will definitely deal with you severely. Do you understand?" Shen Mei followed closely. A vicious warning.

 “Okay.” Coco said listlessly.

 He didn’t expect that Mommy would be so cruel to him because of Lan Lan, he was so sad!

"Keke, you must be nice to me in the future and play with me every day. Otherwise, I will tell mommy." Lan Lan said proudly.

 Keke lowered his head, very frustrated.

"Keke, if you are nice to me and play with me, I will be nice to you." At this time, Lan Lan stretched out her chubby little hand to shake Coco's hand.

Coco immediately felt a sense of discomfort and shook her hand away with force.

 “Wow.” Lan Lan cried immediately after being rejected.

Shen Mei took one look and yelled fiercely: "Keke, why did I talk to you just now?"

“Mommy, I don’t like Lanlan and I don’t want to play with her. Why do you want me to play with her? Why?” Ke Ke shouted unhappily.

With a bang, Shen Mei stretched out her hand and hit Keke on the head, shouting: "Lanlan is your sister, why don't you like her? When she holds your hand, it's her kindness to you. It's her You should be happy that I like you. Why are you so rude? Listen up, Lan Lan is the legitimate daughter of the Li family. You are just a dragster of the Li family. She is much nobler than you. Now she wants to play with you, that is your blessing, you have to cherish it, why are you being pretentious?"

Keke was stunned and stood scratching his head.

 “Apologise to Lan Lan.” At this time, Shen Mei ordered again sternly.

Coco’s teeth were clenched tightly, and tears instantly filled her eyes.

"Did you hear that? Apologize." Shen Mei ordered again, "Are you going to stop listening to mommy?"

Cocoa looked at Shen Ning with teary eyes, is this still her mother? How could it become so strange?

"hurry up."

 “I’m sorry.” Under Shen Mei’s pressure, he had to apologize with tears in his eyes.

“Now you take the initiative to reach out and hold Lan Lan’s hand.” Shen Mei gave another order. Coco stood still.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Shen Mei became impatient and grabbed his ears hard.

Cocoa only felt a heartbreaking pain.

“Hurry up and hold Lanlan’s hand.” She ordered again sternly.

Coco looked at Shen Mei aggrievedly, and could only extend her little hand towards Lan Lan.

Lanlan held her head slightly high, looking arrogant.

“You should take the initiative to hold my hand instead of just putting your hand in front of me.” she ordered.

 Keke felt so sick all of a sudden that he really didn’t want to hold her hand.

 But Shen Mei was watching eagerly from the side, looking very majestic.

 Keke was still a little afraid of mommy, so she had no choice but to hold Lan Lan’s hand.

Lan Lan was so happy and excited that she grabbed Coco's hand tightly and kissed it.

 But Keke felt as uncomfortable and uncomfortable as if he had been touched by a locust.

"Okay, go to sleep. Remember, you must treat Lan Lan like a princess from now on. You are just a minister." Shen Mei let go of Ke Ke and lectured again.

Li Wanqing likes Coco and Ding Ding very much. She will definitely come to check on them after a while, and she doesn't dare to stay here for too long.

  However, Lanlan was very intoxicated by being held by Coco's hand, and she couldn't bear to let go of Coco's hand.

 But Shen Mei pulled her towards the outside, and in desperation, she had to let go.

"Keke, see you tomorrow." She waved to Coco happily and followed Shen Mei away happily.

 “Bah, you’re a little bitchy, disgusting.” Keke rolled his eyes at Lan Lan’s back, and after they left, he sighed loudly.

 Afterwards, he turned around in frustration, lay down on the big bed, buried his face in the quilt, and shed tears of grievance.

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