"Lan Lan, what's wrong with you?" As soon as Shen Ning came in, she saw Lan Lan lying on the ground crying. She was startled and asked quickly.

“Auntie, Ding Ding pushed me and scolded me.” Lan Lan immediately cried and complained.

Upon hearing this, Shen Ning looked at Ding Ding and asked seriously:

“Ding Ding, why are you pushing Lan Lan so early in the morning?”

Ding Ding snorted disdainfully: "She ran into me and Coco's room without knocking, and stayed here without leaving."

"Just because of this, you want to insult her? And push her to the ground?" Shen's tone was stern.

Ding Ding pouted: "Why would she, a girl, run into our room? She still has a flat mouth. Otherwise, she won't correct her shortcomings."

"Ding Ding, Lan Lan is your sister. You have to let her go. If she comes to your room, she likes you. If you don't want her to do this, you can tell her not to come. If she doesn't listen, You can also tell grandma or me and we will reason with her later, but it is wrong for you to push and hit her like this." Shen Ning lifted Lan Lan up and scolded Ding Ding.

Ding Ding was scolded by mommy early in the morning. He was very unhappy and pouted.

"Lan Lan, don't cry. I've already taught Ding Ding a lesson. Come on, I'll take you down for breakfast. You have to go to kindergarten later." Shen Ning comforted Lan Lan and led her outside.

“Auntie, I just like Coco and want to be with him, but Ding Ding pushes me away.” Lan Lan complained as she walked.

Shen Ning smiled when he heard this: "I understand. Next time, if you want to enter their room, you must knock on the door and ask for their permission before entering. Do you understand? Because everyone has their own right to privacy. "

"Okay, I understand." Lan Lan was led by Shen Ning, and for a moment she had the illusion that she was still being led by her own mother, Shen Mei.

Shen Ning's soft words are even gentler than her mother Shen Mei's.

in the room.

 Coco had already dressed, washed and walked out.

Ding Ding was still dissatisfied and sulking because of being criticized by her mother.

“Hey, brother, be more open-minded.” Coco patted him on the shoulder, “Mommy just talked about you. Last night, Mommy even hit me.”

"Really?" Ding Ding widened his eyes and looked at Coco unbelievable. "Mommy has always been very mild. How can she hit people?" "I was not bought by Lan Lan, a little bitch, now Mom Mummy also believed what Lanlan said. She said that I am a man and a real man wants to take care of a girl. I usually give all the delicious and fun things to Lanlan. Mummy is really stupid after losing her memory. There is nothing I can do." Keke Ai. Sighing.

Ding Ding sighed after hearing this, but he went to wash up and went downstairs to have breakfast.

On the table.

 “Coco, I want to eat steamed buns.”

 “Coco, I want to drink milk.”

 “Coco, I also want crystal dumplings.”


Lanlan sat next to Keke and acted coquettishly towards Keke from time to time.

Coco's face was tense. Whenever Lan Lan asked for something, he would pick it up and put it in her rice bowl. Then Lan Lan happily scooped it up with a spoon and put it into her little mouth, her face full of happiness and satisfaction.

While eating the pastries, she moved towards Coco and almost put her hand on the little guy's arm.

At normal times, Keke would have pushed her away impatiently.

 But now, he has no reaction.

 Li Wanqing and Shen Ning looked at the two of them, very surprised.

However, the children can be so friendly together, even if it is a little abnormal, Li Wanqing and Shen Ning will not say anything. After all, they hope that the children can get along well.

Only Xiaoxiao frowned and stared at them, always feeling a little weird.

Lan Lan looked at Xiao Xiao triumphantly, with a look of show off on her face.

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