
 Xixi and Beibei got cold and fever at the same time! And the fever reached 40 degrees!

Shen Ning was frightened and immediately asked the driver to drive the two little guys to the hospital.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Butler Luo brought Xiao Li to pick up Coco, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao and Lan Lan to go home.

As soon as the four little guys ran into the car, Lan Lan pushed Xiao Xiao away, sat down next to Coco, and put her fat legs on Coco's thigh.

Keke didn’t respond and just let her go.

Xiao Xiao stared at Lan Lan’s fat legs and couldn’t bear it!

Today in the kindergarten, Lan Lan was stuck with Ke Ke all day long. She followed him wherever he went, and kept ordering Ke Ke like a servant to bring her tea and water, feed her water and vegetables, and even even Every toilet had Coco squatting outside waiting for her.

Xiao Xiao was so angry that she was about to vomit blood. How could her brother become like this? No matter what Lan Lan asked him to do, he obeyed resolutely, like a puppet on strings. Was he possessed by something evil?

Moreover, he didn’t pay much attention when she called him!

 What happened to him?

"What? Are you envious and jealous?" Lan Lan was very proud and asked Xiaoxiao arrogantly.

Xiao Xiaobai gave her a white look: "My brother is not as knowledgeable as you, so you'd better be honest and don't go too far."

"Hehe, you must feel bad. After all, Keke only likes me now. From now on, he will play with me every day, take care of me, and treat me like a little princess. You, as for you, are just a wild girl. No one loves or cares for you. , Even if Keke grows up with you, he won’t want you anymore.” Lan Lan laughed and made a face at Xiaoxiao.

 Xiao Xiao was so angry that his face turned blue.

This stinky Lanlan is too arrogant. Today she and Keke showed off in front of Xiao Shitou, with a proud look on her face. Moreover, she also showed off in front of Xiaomei and refused to let Xiaomei get close to Keke.

What made her even more angry was that Coco followed her without complaint. He did whatever she asked him to do, without any sign of reluctance.

"I don't care about you, you're annoying." Xiaoxiao could only turn his head away and sit on the other side, feeling angry.

 Ding Ding stopped caring about Lan Lan after being criticized by her mother in the morning.

In this way, the entire carriage was filled with Lanlan’s commanding voice instructing Coco.

“Keke, my legs are a little sore, please massage them for me.”

Coco immediately tapped her legs gently with his two little hands.

"Keke, I want to drink water, give me the water glass." Keke immediately took out the water glass from Lanlan's schoolbag, opened it and handed it to her.

Lanlan took it and drank it happily. After finishing the drink, she stared at Xiaoxiao challengingly.

Xiao Xiao pretended not to see it and turned his head away.

Lan Lan smiled so hard that she couldn't even close her eyes.

 After a while, they returned to Li's Castle.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? Why are you so nice to that stinky Lanlan? You obey her in everything, don't you have your own opinion? Don't you know how to resist? What's wrong with you?" Lan Lan went to get the toy while After going, Xiaoxiao pulled Coco aside and asked dissatisfiedly.

 Keke lowered his head and said nothing.

“Brother, what’s wrong with you?” Xiaoxiao asked anxiously.

"Keke, Keke." Before Kekeke could reply, Lan Lan's shout came from outside again.

 As soon as Keke heard this, he turned around and left.

 “Brother.” Xiaoxiao held Keke’s arm to prevent him from leaving.

"Xiaoxiao, let me go Keke." Lan Lan rushed in, pushed Xiaoxiao away, and said loudly: "I tell you, Keke is mine, and you are not allowed to approach him in the future."

After saying that, he took Coco and left.

Xiao Xiao was pushed and fell against the wall. He watched Lan Lan pull Coco away and stamped his feet anxiously.

During dinner, because Shen Ning was taking care of the sick Xixi and Beibei in the hospital, Li Wanqing also went to help. Aunt Wang and Xiao Li were taking care of their four little ones at home.

Of course Lanlan sat very close to Keke, and asked Keke to pick up vegetables and water for her from time to time. She was so unhappy.

 Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao were both absent-minded. Facing the arrogant Lan Lan, they clenched their little fists with hatred.

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