In the bedroom.

“Mommy.” Lan Lan happily called Shen Mei with her cell phone.

 “How are you, baby? Are you happy?”

"Mommy, I'm so happy today. Keke listens to me in everything and only plays with me. He does whatever I want him to do. He also gave me all the fun and delicious things, and made Xiaoxiao and Xiaomei is so angry." Lan Lan showed off proudly.

 “That’s good.” Shen Mei laughed happily.

"Mommy, let me tell you some good news. Xixi and Beibei are sick. Aunt Shen Ning took them to the hospital. I heard from Uncle Luo that they will stay in the hospital for several days, so there will be no adults at home. You Do you want to come over?" Lan Lan asked happily.

Shen Mei looked at her watch. She had a date tonight.

“Lan Lan, Mommy has something to do tonight, so let’s go there tomorrow.”

"Okay." Lan Lan also wanted to go over and play with Coco, but she couldn't feel free when Mommy was here, so she agreed with a smile.

 After she put down her cell phone, she went to the shower room to take a shower. Soon after, she changed into a set of beautiful pajamas and walked out.

Over there, Coco and Ding Ding’s bedroom.

Xiao Xiao had just finished taking a shower, wearing a milky white rabbit pajamas and standing in the middle with wet hair, her pretty little face flushed with anger.

 She was not in a good mood at all.

Coco grew up with her. Coco has always been a **** in her heart and her strong support. But now, Coco has changed and become incomprehensible to her.

 After a while, Keke also came out after taking a shower.

“Brother, why are you like this?” Xiaoxiao glared at him and asked dissatisfiedly.

Coco acted as if she didn't understand and just yawned: "Xiaoxiao, go back to bed quickly. Mommy will be angry if she knows we're up so late."

"But I can't sleep, I'm so angry, brother, why? Why did you obey that annoying Lan Lanyan? Did she threaten you? Tell me quickly, and I'll tell mommy and daddy." Xiaoxiao He stood still and just kept asking.

Unexpectedly, it was okay if Keke didn't listen. As soon as she heard her mommy, she immediately climbed into the quilt and said, "Xiaoxiao, go to bed quickly. Don't think so much." "I didn't think so much, I just wanted to know why. Before, you You didn't treat Lan Lan like this, but suddenly, you seemed to have changed. Why is this happening? You are my brother, you have always been very good to me, and I care about you very much." Xiaoxiao stamped her feet and asked. .

How could she not be angry that her brother, who had always been upright and noble in her eyes, turned out to be such a coward?

"Keke, I'm here." At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Lan Lan, wearing beautiful pajamas, ran towards Coco with open arms.

"It's so late, why are you here? You're not allowed to get close to my brother." Xiaoxiao stopped in front of her.

"Get away." Lan Lan didn't notice Xiaoxiao at all, and stretched out his hand to push her down.

 Xiaoxiao was unsteady and was pushed to the ground, causing pain in his buttocks.

"Keke, let me play with you." Lan Lan climbed up and hugged Keke's neck, lying on top of him.

Keke just flinched and didn't speak, let alone resist.

 “How shameless.” Xiaoxiao stood up and glared at Lanlan angrily, cursing loudly.

"Xiaoxiao, get out of here, you are not welcome here." Lan Lan turned around, pointed at Xiaoxiao and ordered.

"No, this is not your place. It belongs to Coco and Ding Ding. If you want to leave, it's up to you to leave." Xiaoxiao raised his head and retorted very forcefully.

“Hmph, you **** Xiaoxiao.” Lan Lan was very angry and climbed down to beat Xiaoxiao.

"Stop." Ding Ding happened to come out of the shower and saw all this. He immediately shouted and ran over to protect Xiao Xiao, his face full of anger.

 Lan Lan retracted her raised fist, a little scared.

 She may not be afraid of Xiao Xiao, but she cannot beat Ding Ding.

Ding Ding is a ruthless guy and can be scary when he is cruel. She has learned this before.

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