"I'll go up first. Let the children come up after they finish eating. I have something to say to them." Shen Mei ordered Sister Wang and walked towards the elevator.

 “Okay.” Sister Wang quickly agreed.

Just as the elevator came down, Shen Mei took Lan Lan's hand and entered the elevator.

Sister Wang stood there puzzled for a while.

Since when did Lan Lan and the young mistress become so close? Like mother and daughter!

It is possible for Shen Ning to be so close to Lan Lan. After all, during this period, after Shen Ning and Li Zhenting remarried, Shen Ning was trying to please Lan Lan and wanted to ease the relationship with her. He was also afraid that Li Wanqing would think that she was The stepmother is very harsh on Lanlan, so sometimes she cares more about Lanlan than Xiaoxiao.

But it's a little hard to understand that Lan Lan can be like this. After all, Lan Lan is either angry, indifferent, or full of bad feelings toward Shen Ning. But now, Lan Lan has completely changed in this situation.

 Looking at the happy and comfortable smile on her face, it comes from the bottom of her heart.

Maybe Lan Lan has changed, or maybe she has been influenced by Shen Ning. After all, Shen Ning is so kind, gentle and approachable, and Lan Lan will be influenced no matter how bad she is.

 She went straight into the kitchen and got busy without thinking about anything else.


 Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao came upstairs after eating the exquisite snacks.

Who knows

As soon as they came up, they saw Shen Ning standing in the corridor holding Lan Lan's hand, as if waiting for them to come up.

"Mommy." The moment Xiaoxiao saw Shen Ning, his eyes lit up and he quickly opened his arms and ran towards Shen Ning.

"Stop." But before she could reach Shen Mei, Shen Mei yelled at her.

Xiao Xiao trembled in fright, stopped her feet, and looked at Shen Ning doubtfully and uneasily.

 Until this moment, the little girl realized that her mother seemed different from usual. Her eyes were cold and stern, without any warmth, and there was even a bit of ferocity in the eyes that looked at her, which was completely different from that gentle and kind mother.

For a moment, she couldn't figure out what was going on, and could only stand in a daze.

And Lan Lan next to her was even more arrogant, with a proud face.

"You all come in." Shen Mei glanced at the three little ones, then took them into a nearby guest room and locked the door.

“Mommy, Xiaoxiao slapped me in the kindergarten today.” As soon as everyone stood up, Lan Lan immediately complained to Shen Mei.

Shen Mei's eyes flashed fiercely, and she asked fiercely: "Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with you? Why do you want to hit Lanlan? Didn't Mommy tell you? You can't bully Lanlan."

“But Mommy, it was Lanlan who wanted to hit me first, but I dodged it, and then I hit her back.” Xiaoxiao explained.

“Nonsense, it was you who interfered with me and Coco first, and then I took action.” Lan Lan was very arrogant.

"You are wrong to begin with. You treat Coco as your property. Coco is my brother and he cannot be manipulated like this by you." Xiaoxiao was very aggrieved.

"Shut up." Shen Mei was furious and snapped at Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, Keke and Lanlan are both brothers and sisters. Lanlan likes Keke and Keke is good to Lanlan. That's what it should be. Why are you saying that? What kind of items are there? No wonder you brothers and sisters are not united. It turns out you are the one who is doing this. You are really scheming. Damn it."

"Mommy, I..." Xiao Xiao was so scolded by Shen Ning that she burst into tears and couldn't even speak.

"What are you doing? Mommy has always told you brothers and sisters to love each other when you are together, but you don't listen and are still hostile to Lan Lan. This time, you slapped Lan Lan again for no reason. It's really arrogant. If you don't punish you , you will never change it in the future." Shen Mei spoke sternly and ordered Lan Lan: "Lan Lan, go to the study and get the ruler prepared by your father, I will teach them a lesson."

 “Okay.” Lan Lan’s chest puffed up, she agreed loudly, turned around and ran towards her father’s study.

 After a while, she came over with a shining ruler.

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