"Mommy." Xiaoxiao's hands were shaking when he saw the ruler.

Growing up, her most beloved mommy never said anything about beating her. Even if she occasionally made mistakes, she would educate her with gentle words and let her correct her shortcomings. She also loves her mommy very much. Mommy is All of her.

 But now, mommy actually wants to beat her.

 "Wow", she started to cry.

"Why are you crying? I haven't beaten you yet. Why are you so good at beating Lanlan?" Shen Mei glared at Xiaoxiao in disgust.

Xiaoxiao was so scared that she didn’t even dare to cry!

"Mommy, why did you hit Xiaoxiao? It's not her fault at all." At this time, Ding Ding, who was standing next to him, couldn't stand it anymore and asked boldly.

In little Ding Ding's life, although Mommy appeared very late, he still loves her the most and admires her the most. Usually, he will listen to whatever she says and does not dare to talk back at all, but at this time, he really He was confused. Seeing the pitiful appearance, his sense of justice forced him to stand up.

Shen Mei's eyes flashed fiercely and she looked at Ding Ding: "And you? I heard that you protected Xiaoxiao today and said bad words to Lanlan, right?"

“Mommy, this is simply Lanlan’s fault. I’m just upholding justice.” Ding Ding insisted on his point of view.

"Nonsense." Shen Mei said sternly, "How old are you? Do you know what justice is? You call it indifference to right from wrong. Xiaoxiao is your biological sister, isn't Lanlan the same? Why do you always protect Xiaoxiao? Xiao, let Lan Lan suffer?"

 “I, no.” Ding Ding was anxious.

"No?" Shen Mei sneered, "Let me tell you, only Keke did the right thing today, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao, you two must be punished."

 Shen Mei spoke in a stern voice.

Ding Ding was at a loss when he heard Mommy’s strong and serious words.

"Xiaoxiao, stretch out your hand." At this time, Shen Mei walked up to Xiaoxiao and spoke sternly.

 “Mommy.” Xiaoxiao raised his head and looked at Mummy pitifully, with tears streaming down his face.

"Hurry up, you don't even listen to mommy anymore, do you?" Shen Mei's tone became more severe.

Xiao Xiao sobbed and stretched out his palms. Shen Mei sneered, picked up the ruler and hit the palm of her hand hard without any mercy.

 It hurt a little and my face changed color.

A proud smile appeared on Lan Lan's face.

"Mommy, you can't hit Xiaoxiao." After a few hits, Dingding saw that Xiaoxiao's whole body was shaking. He couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly from the side, "I think this matter is Lanlan's fault. You believed Lan Lan’s slander, I’m going to ask daddy to find out who is right and who is wrong in this matter.”

 The word "Daddy" immediately made Shen Mei panic.

“Well, you little bastard, you actually want to file a complaint, let’s see if I don’t beat you to death.” Her ruler hit Ding Ding directly.

Ding Ding stood stubbornly.

 Shen Mei's ruler struck hard and fast.

"Wow." Xiaoxiao was so scared that she cried loudly, "Mommy, please don't hit your penis. It was my fault. I won't dare to do it again next time."

 But Ding Ding gritted his teeth and stood unyielding.

“Mommy, even if you beat me to death, I don’t think I was wrong. I will ask my grandma to find out who is right and who is wrong.”

"You..." Shen Mei's hand suddenly stopped in mid-air, and her mind was filled with confusion and confusion.

 No, it can’t be too much!

Now she is just Shen Ning's stand-in. If the children go to the adults and find out something, she will be in trouble. Her plan hasn't started yet. She can't be too hasty. She can just teach them a lesson for the time being. , there will be plenty of opportunities to deal with them in the future.

She put down the ruler, glanced at the three little guys, and warned angrily: "I'm telling you, no one of you is allowed to bully Lan Lan in the future. You have to listen to her in everything, and you have to let her eat and have fun. She She is your princess, you are not allowed to be hostile to her anymore, you have to support her, understand? If you hit her again in the future, it will not be so easy next time, and I will take care of you."

 The three little guys all had their heads drooped and did not speak.

"Also, you are not allowed to complain to your grandma and daddy about this matter, otherwise I will deal with you." She threatened again.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and then Xiao Li's cautious voice was heard:

“Young lady, are you in there?”

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