"It's me." Shen Mei looked outside, frowned, and said in a majestic voice, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Xiao Li could only answer cautiously after hearing her impatient voice, "I just lost sight of the children, so I came over here. Are they all in there now?"

 Xiao Li’s ears were pressed against the door frame.

 When she came up and passed this guest room just now, she clearly heard the sound of beatings, scolding and crying inside, so she asked.

"Yes, the children are here. I'm teaching them a lesson. It's nothing to do with you. You can go." Shen Mei commanded majestically.

 “Oh, okay.” Xiao Li agreed, looked at the door suspiciously, and had to leave.

After all, Shen Ning was their biological mother. She taught the children that outsiders should not interfere. However, she also had some doubts in her heart because Shen Ning had always been very emotionally stable in the past and would never accuse or scold her children easily. Ours, she clearly heard her beating and scolding just now.

 Xiao Li's footsteps walked away.

"All three of you, please reflect carefully. If I hear you bullying Lan Lan again in the future, I will definitely not let you off lightly." After Shen Mei warned her fiercely, she took Lan Lan's hand, opened the door and left. .

“Mommy, thank you so much.” Lan Lan was so proud that after Shen Mei took her hand back to the bedroom, she hugged Shen Mei and acted like a baby.

"Who made you my daughter? If I don't help you, who will? Remember, tell me in time if anything happens in the future. Also, don't tell anyone about my plastic surgery to look like Shen Ning. Reveal it, otherwise, there will be no mommy to help you." Shen Mei solemnly confessed in her ear again.

 “Okay, I will.” Lan Lan nodded heavily.

Shen Mei talked to her for a while and then left.

The real Shen Ning is still in the hospital. If she stays too long, she is worried that flaws will be exposed.

Over here, in Coco and Ding Ding’s bedroom.

 Three small eggplants were all wilted like frost-beaten eggplants.

Keke was sitting on the sofa, his head lowered and silent.

Xiao Xiao was sobbing, her palms were red and swollen, and she was in constant pain, but what hurt her the most was the pain in her heart.

  Mommy, who had always been sacred and beautiful in her mind, actually beat her without asking anything. She still remembered that when Lan Lan bullied her in the past, she would definitely work hard and spread her wings to protect her. At that time, although her teeth were knocked out or she was framed and beaten by Lan Lan, her heart was warm. Now, not only her hands hurt, but her heart was also cold.

Ding Ding sat on the ground leaning against the bed, his head hanging down, as listless as Coco last night.

 Mummy hit him so hard and coldly.

 He ​​didn’t resist, that’s because the warmth Mommy gave him was so wonderful. He trusted and loved her unconditionally.

 But now Mommy would actually treat him like this.

"Xiaoxiao, does it hurt?" After a while, Keke came to Xiaoxiao and spread out her palms. When she saw that it was red and swollen, she felt heartbroken.

"Well." Xiao Xiaobaba shed tears and looked at Coco, "Brother, why have you become like this in the past two days? Did mommy make you like this?"

 Xiaoxiao is very smart and already understands the reason for Cocoa’s change.

Coco nodded sadly.

"Let me apply some medicine on you." Coco brought the medicine box and applied it on the palms of Xiaoxiao's hands, feeling depressed.

“Keke, Xiaoxiao, why did mommy become like this?” Ding Ding touched the injury on his arm and asked in confusion.

 Coco sighed.

"There must be a reason for Mommy to do this. She may be afraid that others will say that she is partial as a stepmother. Let's understand her better." Coco replied frustratedly.

 “But Mommy never did this before.” Xiaoxiao replied unconvinced.

"Hey, that's because Mommy didn't have amnesia before, but now she has. She is most afraid of grandma talking about her. Anyway, Mommy is quite pitiful. We can't do anything to help her, so just bear with it." Coco persuaded them sensibly. .

“That’s why you’ve been so patient these past two days, right?” Ding Ding also seemed to understand Coco’s difficulties. "

"Yes." Coco admitted, walked up to Tintin and said, "Take off your clothes and I'll apply some potion for you."

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