At the door of the women's restroom.

“Keke, you stand here and wait for me.” Lan Lan ordered Keke and then walked into the toilet.

Keke agreed and really stayed outside obediently.

Little Shitou's eyes grew wider and wider.

Oh my god, it’s true, Keke actually obeys Lanlan’s instructions like a follower.

What's going on here?

He simply couldn't believe his eyes. Even when Lan Lan went to the toilet, he had to guard outside. What kind of operation was this?

“Hey, Coco, why do you listen to Lan Lan so much?” Xiao Shitou came up and asked maliciously.

 Keke lowered his head and ignored him.

Little Shitou looked at him like a statue, so he rushed out his fist and pushed him on the chest.

Coco was shaken a bit by the push, but he still stood with his head down without making a sound.

“Hey, you are so funny.” Little Stone reached out and touched his head randomly again.

 Little Coco still had no reaction.

This makes Xiao Shitou feel more and more novel and interesting. Cocoa, who was originally strong and iron-like, has now turned into soft bones and is still so obedient to women.

He had the idea of ​​​​pranking him, so he picked up the dirty tissues dropped by other children on the ground and wiped them on Coco's face.

 Keke ducked his head and gave way.

 He wiped it again.

 Keke tilted his head and gave way.

  After missing twice in a row, Xiao Shitou became angry and slapped Coco in the face.

Coco's fingers clenched into fists, and when he used a dirty tissue to wipe his face again, he punched his hand off.

 His strength was great, and Xiao Shi's hand was very painful from the beating.

 At this time Lanlan came out.

“Lanlan, Keke was not obedient at all. He hit my hand.” Xiao Shitou immediately complained to Lanlan.

When Lan Lan heard this, she glared at Coco: "Why did you hit him? He is my good friend."

 “He slapped me.” Coco replied. Lan Lan looked at the small stone.

"Lan Lan, that's not the case. I saw his face was dirty and wanted to wipe it with good intentions. But he didn't want to and hit me." Xiao Shitou showed her the tissue in his hand and then wiped his face. Hong put the back of his hand in front of her, "Look, he punched me."

Lan Lan was very annoyed. Originally, she wanted to show her authority in front of Xiao Shitou. Coco's absolute obedience to her made her very satisfied. However, she didn't expect that Coco would even hit Xiao Shitou, which made her feel that her authority was ruined. Got slapped in the face.

"Keke, it's your fault for hitting the pebble. I order you to apologize to the pebble right now." Lan Lan ordered to Keke.

 Keke stood with his head lowered and said nothing.

"Did you hear that? Keke, apologize to Xiao Shitou." Lan Lan got angry and grabbed his ears.

Coco didn’t dare to resist, so he could only say: “I’m sorry, little stone, I shouldn’t have hit you.”

 Little Shitou’s face is full of excitement!

 Oh my God, it’s so fun. Coco is just like a big puppet.

 The class bell rang.

Lan Lan let go of Coco and took him back to class.

Little Shitou also ran back to the classroom.

"I'm really angry." Xiaoxiao on the other side of the toilet saw all this and burst into tears.

 But she didn't dare to say anything, so she could only follow him to class.

 Four thirty in the afternoon.

 Keke, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao and Lan Lan were out of school, and they all came outside the school.

 Today, Butler Luo and Xiao Li’s car came to pick them up a little late.

 They stood outside waiting.

“HI.” Xiao Shitou whistled and came over, looking at Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao with evil intentions.

The scene of Keke being angry but not resisting today stimulated him, and he felt that he could take revenge.

“Xiao Shitou, please go back quickly, we have to wait for Uncle Luo.” Lan Lan saw Xiao Shitou and waved to him.

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