Night is coming quietly.

Li Jiaojiao didn’t see Ji Qingshan in Li’s castle, so she felt it was boring and left!

 Coco, Dingding and Xiaoxiao each took a shower and went to bed.

But he said that Coco and Ding Ding were lying on the bed after washing, turned off the night light, and were about to go to bed when suddenly, the door was quietly pushed open.

 The two little guys' eyes widened in horror.

 I saw a woman wearing black clothes and a black mask walking in.

 “Who are you?” Coco asked in horror.

“Have you bullied Lan Lan again today?” The woman in black took off her mask and asked sternly.

"No, Mommy, we all listened to Lan Lan and didn't bully her." It turned out to be Mommy. Coco breathed a sigh of relief and immediately explained nervously.

"Nonsense, Lan Lan said that Ding Ding complained to Li Jiaojiao, and Li Jiaojiao even criticized her." Shen Mei spoke harshly.

"Mommy, it was Lan Lan who pushed Xiaoxiao down. Why don't you feel sorry for Xiaoxiao? I'm telling the truth." Ding Ding felt aggrieved.

"That's nonsense. It's obvious that you guys are working together to isolate and bully Lan Lan, but you are still making excuses here. Let me tell you, if you do this again in the future, don't call me mommy. I don't have a son like you." Shen Mei's voice was very angry. , giving them no chance to defend themselves.

 Coco and Ding Ding both lowered their heads, with tears in their eyes.

Shen Mei finished her lesson and walked out, heading towards the small bedroom.

Xiao Xiaogang was lying on the bed, her knees were still hurting, and the night was long. She missed her mommy and daddy especially, but mommy...she was so uncomfortable. When she was about to call her daddy, suddenly, the door was gently opened. Pushed away.

 A woman wearing black clothes and a black mask walked in.

 “Ah.” Xiaoxiao got up in fright.

 “Who are you?” she asked in a trembling voice. "Xiao Xiao, you were disobedient and got into a fight with Lan Lan?" Shen Mei took off her mask and stared at Xiao Xiao with a fierce look in her eyes.

Xiao Xiao was so frightened that his whole body trembled, but after seeing his mother's face clearly, a warm desire still arose in the little guy's heart.

"Mommy, I didn't. It was Lan Lan who pushed me down on purpose. Both my knees were broken." She took out her legs from the quilt and exposed her knees. Although they were coated with medicine, they could still be seen. Broken wounds.

But Shen Mei's eyes were cold and there was no warmth at all. She just looked at him with disgust and shouted: "Lan Lan was just playing with you. She didn't take it seriously. But you and Ding Ding complained. This is your fault. I I've said it before, if you target Lan Lan again and don't listen to her, I won't recognize you anymore. You can do whatever you want. If I hear Lan Lan say that you are unfriendly to her or bully her again, I won't want you. ”

 “Mommy.” Xiaoxiao’s face was filled with tears.

“Hmph, it’s annoying to be a disobedient child.” Shen Mei snorted coldly and turned away.

 The little girl was scared and helpless and cried, which made her feel the pleasure of revenge, and her goal was achieved.

"No, don't." Xiaoxiao was in a ball, lying on the bed trembling.

 After a while, Coco and Ding Ding ran in.



They climbed onto the bed and saw Xiaoxiao crying and trembling into a ball. They hugged her tightly with heartache.

"Brother, Mommy said she doesn't want me anymore. I'm so scared. I want Mommy." Xiaoxiao hid in their arms and cried bitterly.

"No, don't worry, Mommy will not abandon us." Coco and Ding Ding had already guessed that Mommy would come to criticize Xiao Xiao, so they ran over immediately. As expected, they kept comforting Xiao Xiao. Small.

With the comfort of Coco and Ding Ding, Xiaoxiao gradually calmed down and lay in their arms crying.

 The three little ones hugged each other and were all crying. They didn’t know why their mother became like this!

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