The next day in the kindergarten, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Lan Lan walked up to Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao and ordered loudly: "You three come out with me. I have something to tell you."

 The three little ones lowered their heads and did not dare to resist.

Lan Lan turned around and walked out confidently.

Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao looked at each other and had no choice but to stand up and follow her.

 Lan Lan took them to an open space behind the school.

Little Shitou was standing there with his arms folded across his chest, looking like a gangster.

"Ding Ding, my shoelaces are untied, help me tie them up." As soon as they arrived, Xiao Shitou tipped his toes and ordered loudly.

Tintin stared at him angrily.

 “What? Not willing?” Xiao Shitou raised his eyebrows.

“Ting Ding, go tie the shoelaces of the little stone.” Lan Lan immediately ordered from the side.

Ting Ding stood still without moving.

"I'll come." Young Master Ding Ding is used to life, and it's a little difficult to swallow this breath. But Ke Ke has grown up in hardships and knows how to swallow his anger. He immediately agreed, walked up, bent down, and helped Little Shitou. Tie up your shoelaces.

Little Shitou looked at Coco condescendingly, with a wicked smile on his face.


 He raised his foot and exerted force.

 The shoe hit Coco's nose on the face.

 In an instant, blood flowed out of Keke’s nose.

 “Coco.” Xiaoxiao was so frightened that he cried.

Lan Lan glared at Xiao Shitou from the side: "Hey, don't go too far, how can you kick his nose to bleed?"

 Lanlan still has some love for Coco, after all, she likes him.

"I'm sorry, he came on his own initiative. I originally asked Ding Ding to tie the shoelaces." Xiao Shitou apologized.

 Lan Lan took out her anger on Ding Ding.

“Ding Ding, if you don’t obey me, I’ll tell mommy when I go back later.” Lan Lan threatened Ding Ding fiercely.

Ding Ding dared not speak angrily but glared at Lan Lan.

“Hey, you have quite a temper.” Xiao Shitou came over and grabbed the clothes on his chest and pushed hard. Ding Ding was pushed and fell to the ground.

Ding Ding has been the young master of the Li family since he was a child. He has never suffered from this kind of cowardice. Now he was so angry that he got up and started to hit pebbles.

 Coco came and caught him.

If he really hit a small stone and Lan Lan complained, Mommy wouldn't want them anymore. They didn't want to lose Mommy.

 Fortunately at this moment, the class bell rang.

 They all ran back to class.

 In the next class, Xiaoxiao and Xiaomei play on the slide together.

 The two of them had a lot of fun.

When Xiaoxiao slid down the slide, the small stone stood at the bottom of the slide and did not move out of the way. When Xiaoxiao slipped down, it could only slide onto him.

 “I’m sorry.” Xiaoxiao apologized immediately.

Little Shitou smiled evilly: "Xiao Xiao, how dare you bump into me?"

"We are playing on the slide, why are you standing here? If we come down, we will bump into you, and we don't want that." Xiao Mei ran over and argued with Xiao Shitou.

Little Shitou smiled coldly: "You obviously saw me standing here and slipped down. It was intentional. I want to tell Lan Lan."

Xiao Xiao was trembling with fear when he heard this, and immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't even see you standing there when I was sliding down, otherwise I wouldn't have slid down."

"Quia, I've been standing here all this time. You did it on purpose. Anyway, I'm going to tell Lan Lan." Xiao Shitou pushed Xiao Xiao down on the slide and walked away in a majestic manner.

 Xiaoxiao was so frightened that he cried.

At this time, Coco and Dingding saw Xiaoxiao crying and ran over. Xiaomei told them everything about the situation just now.

"Brother, what should I do? He wants to tell Lanlan, and Lanlan will tell mommy, and then mommy won't want me. I won't have a mommy in the future." Xiaoxiao held Coco's hand and cried very sadly. .

Ever since she was little, Coco has been her backbone. When her mother was not at home, Coco was always with her. She has a strong sense of dependence on Coco.

"No, don't worry, if mommy doesn't want you, I want you, and we will always be together." Keke wiped Xiaoxiao's tears with a tissue and comforted her.

 “Don’t worry, I’m with you too.” Ding Ding also comforted.

"Thank you, brother." Xiaoxiao felt relieved after hearing this.

 The school bell rang and they all went back to the classroom.

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