"Mrs. Li, what do you mean? You can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. I have a paternity test here. Do you want to suspect that Lan Lan is not a bloodline of the Li family?" Lan Feiyun was fierce. geo asked.

"Haha, if I talk casually, I won't be able to get into the position of the wife of the wealthy Li family. To tell you the truth, I heard the conversation between Li Jinchong and Li Xueyeli at that time, and even recorded it. As long as I tell Li Wanqing , Lan Lan's true identity will be revealed immediately, do you think you can still win?" Liang Ruqi laughed and taunted.

Lan Feiyun was stunned.

“What did Li Xuemian and Li Jinchong say to them?”

"They said whatever you thought of. I feel really sad for Li Zhenting. It's so unfortunate that you, a mother and daughter, calculated things like this."

"You mean Lan Lan is Li Jinchong's daughter?" Lan Feiyun's brain was spinning and she was testing carefully.

“Otherwise, I didn’t expect it, I already knew it.” Liang Ruqi sneered.

 Lan Feiyun's face was gloomy.

Lanlan is not Li Zhenting's daughter, Liang Ruqi knows it, but fortunately, she is Li Jinchong's daughter and can be considered a descendant of their Li family.

“Mrs. Li, we are descendants of your Li family anyway, can’t we just cooperate well?” Her tone was much more enthusiastic.

"Well, it's good that you know." Liang Ruqi said coldly, "Don't blame me for not reminding you. Li Wanqing and Shen Ning already have a very bad impression of Lan Lan. If you don't act quickly, Lan Lan may be sent away by them. of."

“Well, I understand, thank you for reminding me.” Lan Feiyun immediately thanked him.

 After putting down the phone, she quickly dialed Shen Mei's number.

 “Mom, what’s going on?” Shen Mei had just woken up.

“Still sleeping, let me tell you, now Liang Ruqi knows that Lan Lan is not Li Zhenting’s daughter.”

"What?" Shen Mei jumped up, "How did she know?"

“She overheard the conversation between Li Jinchong and Li Xueyeli and recorded it.”

Shen Mei was stunned. This woman was so disgusting and haunting!

"But don't worry, she doesn't know that Lan Lan is A Kang's daughter. Be careful and don't reveal A Kang." Lan Feiyun solemnly warned.     “Of course, I will be careful.”

"Also, Lan Lan has been bullying Coco with Xiao Shitou in the kindergarten these days. Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao have been caught in the surveillance video by Shen Ning and told Li Wanqing. They will definitely criticize Lan Lan, you You have to find a way to comfort Lan Lan, otherwise she won't be able to stand it and will be in trouble if she tells you." Lan Feiyun looked solemn.

 Lan Lan is just a child after all and cannot withstand scrutiny.

"Yes, okay." Shen Mei remembered what Lan Lan said last night that Shen Ning was going to send her to the police station, and her eyelids jumped up. "Don't worry, I will find a way to get in today."

“Be careful. If you need my help, call me immediately.”


"Meimei, what's wrong?" At this time, Akang, who was standing next to her, hugged her waist and asked affectionately.

 Shen Mei hung up the phone and knocked off his hand.

  "Don't make trouble, Lan Lan is in danger, I have to help her."

 She told Akang what happened.

Akang's eyes flashed with a cold light.

“Damn it, I’ll do it to anyone who dares to mess with my daughter.” He cursed fiercely.

 Shen Mei's eyes lit up.

"Brother Kang, if anything happens to me then, you have to help me and Lan Lan."

"Of course, I won't let anyone bully you and Lan Lan." He pulled her down and sat on her body.


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