In the afternoon, the sun sets.

 Li's Castle.

“Lan Lan, come here.” Li Wanqing called to Lan Lan as soon as she came home from the hospital.

 Because Xixi and Beibei haven't recovered from their colds, Shen Ning stayed in the hospital today, and Li Wanqing went home.

 She was very angry about what Lan Lan did.

Lan Lan glanced at her cringingly, then walked over slowly, her head lowered.

“Lan Lan, why did you join forces with Xiao Shitou to bully Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao?” Li Wanqing asked sternly with a sullen face.

"Grandma, I'm sorry, I was wrong." Lan Lan was very smart and immediately apologized and admitted her mistake.

"Lan Lan, let me tell you, you are not allowed to associate with Xiao Shitou in the future. If you continue to associate with him and do bad things, grandma will definitely deal with you." Li Wanqing ordered sternly.

“Okay, I won’t play with pebbles anymore.” Lan Lan nodded immediately.

Li Wanqing saw that she had a very good attitude and was a little girl, so it was not easy to pester her, so she just walked to the sofa and picked up Xiaoxiao, comforting her lovingly.

With the love of mommy and grandma, Xiaoxiao's illness has improved a lot. After getting tired of grandma for a while, he went to play with Coco and Ding Ding.

 Lan Lan was very lonely. After this incident, Coco and Ding Ding basically stopped looking at her.

 She had to go to the bedroom upstairs alone.

 Twilight falls.

 Lan Lan finally received a call from Shen Mei.

 Shen Mei came over relieved after learning that Shen Ning was not at home.

"Where's Lan Lan? It's time to have dinner. Where have you gone?" During dinner, Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao were all sitting at the dinner table, but Lan Lan was missing. Li Wanqing asked with a frown.

  Could it be that I criticized her today and she got angry and stopped eating?

 The three little guys shook their heads.

They are so disgusted with Lan Lan that they don’t even want to see her, and of course they don’t care where she goes.

Li Wanqing had no choice but to walk upstairs. Although Lan Lan is not lovable, she is also her granddaughter, so we can’t just let her go without dinner!


 When she first walked to the living room.


 The eyes are full of surprise!

I saw Shen Ning walking in affectionately holding Lan Lan's hand.

 The two were talking and laughing, just like mother and daughter.

 She couldn't believe her eyes.

 When did Lan Lan become so close to Shen Ning?

 This morning, Shen Ning was still very angry when talking about Lan Lan!

"Grandma." Lan Lan immediately ran towards Li Wanqing, held her hand, and called her affectionately. There was no expression of anger on her face at all, as if the criticism of her had never happened. No grudges!

"Mom." Shen Mei was stunned for a moment when she saw Li Wanqing, and immediately reacted. She came up to her calmly and called her affectionately.

“Ning Ning, didn’t you say you weren’t going home tonight?” Li Wanqing came back to her senses and asked strangely.

They had already divided the work in the ward today. She stayed in the hospital to take care of the children. Xixi and Beibei were too young, so they couldn't leave their mother. Although Xiaoxiao was also sick, she was already six years old. You can let go.

Shen Mei rolled her eyes and smiled sweetly: "Mom, I came back to see Xiaoxiao. She caught a cold yesterday, and Lanlan also called me and said she wanted to see me."

Lanlan wants to see Shen Ning?

Li Wanqing lowered her head and looked at Lan Lan doubtfully.

"Grandma, you criticized me today. I knew I was wrong, so I wanted to apologize to Aunt Shen Ning. I called her and said I wanted to see her, and she came back." Lan Lan said vividly, "Grandma , I will also call Aunt Shen Ning mommy from now on, and I will love her as my own mommy."

After saying that, she let go of Li Wanqing's hand and ran to Shen Mei, threw herself into her arms, and shouted loudly: "Mommy, I love you."

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