"Lanlan, I love you too. Don't worry, I will treat you as my own daughter from now on, even better than Xiaoxiao." Shen Mei's face was full of love, she picked up Lanlan and kissed her.

"Thank you, Mommy." Lan Lan hugged Shen Mei's neck and kissed her hard, "Mommy, I will definitely get along well with Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao in the future. We are brothers and sisters."

“You’re so good, Lan Lan is so sensible, that’s great.” The mother and daughter acted very realistically, and there was no awkwardness at all.

Li Wanqing, who couldn't believe it at first, was now surprised and accepted it.

Furthermore, she was also worried that Shen Ning, mother and son, and Lan Lan would not get along well. Seeing them so close now, she felt relieved.

"Okay, Ning Ning, Lan Lan, it would be great if you can live in such harmony. Everyone will be well in the future. We are all a family. I am very happy. Go to eat quickly. The children are waiting for you. ." She said with a smile.

"Okay, Mom, let's go eat." Shen Mei agreed affectionately


“Mommy, let’s go.” Lan Lan took Shen Mei’s hand and jumped towards the dining room.

 Li Wanqing nodded with satisfaction when she saw the mother and daughter who had no sense of incompatibility.

 It seems that Shen Ning is kind and caring, and he finally influenced Lan Lan.

"Keke, Ding Ding, Lan Lan, mommy and I are here for dinner." After they walked into the dining room, Lan Lan greeted the three little ones very affectionately, as if she had never had any conflicts with them.

"Mommy." Xiaoxiao looked up and saw Shen Ning, and immediately shouted excitedly.

But when she saw Mommy and Lan Lan being so affectionate, the passion in her eyes instantly cooled down as if a basin of ice water had been poured on her.

At this time, Coco and Ding Ding also saw Shen Ning and immediately shouted happily: "Mommy."

 But at the same time, like Xiaoxiao, his expression was a little dull.

 They couldn’t understand how the relationship between Mommy and Lanlan could be so close.

"Keke, Dingding, Xiaoxiao, good evening." Shen Mei greeted the three little ones warmly, and deliberately let go of Lan Lan's hand, walked over and kissed them respectively.

Li Wanqing looked on with a smile: "Keke, Ding Ding, Xiaoxiao, your mommy has forgiven Lan Lan now. Lan Lan also likes your mommy very much. You will get along well with each other in the future. You are all brothers and sisters. You must We help each other and love each other, do you understand?”

“Grandma, I understand, I will do it.” Lan Lan immediately responded loudly, and while speaking, she even took the initiative to kiss Coco on the face.

 Coco, Dingding and Xiaoxiao all looked at each other stupidly, not understanding what was going on.

"Keke, Dingding, Xiaoxiao, where are you?" Shen Mei smiled and asked the three little ones affectionately.

 The third child only looked at Li Wanqing.

Li Wanqing nodded to them encouragingly.

 “Okay, Mommy.” The three little ones had no choice but to agree.

 “So good.” Shen Mei immediately praised them greatly.

Lan Lan behaved very well next. She was very close to Shen Mei. She sat next to her, talking to her from time to time, and holding dishes for her mother from time to time. That kind of intimacy was really natural. It's not like pretending.

On the other hand, Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao lost the enthusiasm and naturalness they had with Shen Ning last night. They all looked at Mommy uneasily, as if they were very unfamiliar.

 Shen Mei knew how to act in front of Li Wanqing.

On the one hand, she was naturally intimate with Lan Lan, but she also gave food to Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao from time to time, acting impartial and very kind.

 After a while, facing Shen Mei's enthusiasm, the three little guys who didn't know it slowly relaxed and became closer to Shen Mei.

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