
After Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xian finished taking a bath, the three little guys came to the corridor each holding a pillow as they did last night.

  Daddy is not at home, and they really want to sleep with mom like last night.

 The three little ones knocked on the door.

 “Who is it?” After knocking for a while, Shen Ning’s voice came from inside.

“Mommy, it’s us.” The three little guys replied in a sweet voice.

"What's up?"

In the bedroom, Shen Mei was lying on the big bed, with various figures of Li Zhenting's strong body in her head, and she was having sex, but she didn't expect that there was a knock on the door. It took her a long time to wake up, because she was worried that it was Li Wanqing coming over. , she stood up immediately, and frowned in disgust when she heard the little guy's voice.

“Mommy, we want to sleep with you.” the little ones said sweetly.

Yesterday, the door was not closed. How could it be closed today?


Shen Mei's eyes were full of disgust and disgust. It was too much to ask her to sleep with three annoying little kids!

She is not even willing to sleep with Lan Lan. What a beautiful thought!

 “No.” She flatly denied it, walked over and opened the door.

At the gate, three little guys each held a pillow and looked at her longingly. She sneered in her heart. They really regarded her as their mother. Unfortunately, she would not meet their demands.

 Her face was expressionless and cold as ice.

 The hope in the eyes of the three little guys was extinguished.

Not because she said 'no', but because her expressionless face made them shudder.

 “Okay.” They bowed their heads and turned around to leave.

"Stop." Shen Mei stopped them and asked coldly, "Don't you remember what I told you before? I asked you to play with Lan Lan and listen to her in everything. Give it to her, why don’t you listen to mommy?”

 The three little guys looked at each other! How could Mommy change so much! Why!

 “We have been obedient.” Coco replied in a low voice.

"Listen? It's nonsense. Lan Lan was criticized by her grandma for playing with you. You guys are submissive and not obedient at all. Go and apologize to Lan Lan now." Shen Mei forced her forcefully.

 The three little guys were at a loss for a moment. "Go quickly." Shen Mei's tone became more severe.

 The three little ones were frightened, lowered their heads, and walked towards Lan Lan's bedroom.

 After a while, Shen Mei knocked on Lan Lan's door.

“Mommy.” Lan Lan opened the door and saw her mommy, she shouted happily and threw herself into her arms.

"Lan Lan, stand still, they are here to apologize to you." Shen Mei smiled and helped Lan Lan to stand up.

Only then did Lan Lan see the three little ones standing dejectedly outside, and her heart suddenly became lively.

  Yeah, Mommy is so nice and capable!

 She cleared her voice, stood up straight, and looked at them arrogantly.

"Hurry up and apologize." Shen Mei urged.

Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao looked at each other and could only whisper: "I'm sorry, Lan Lan."

"It's too simple. Tell me what you are going to do in the future." Shen Mei was not satisfied and was very strict.

 Keke, Dingding and Xiaoxiao curled their lips and said nothing.

"Did you hear that?" Shen Mei slapped Xiao Xiao on the head.

 Xiao Xiao was beaten unconscious.

“Mommy, don’t hit Xiaoxiao, she’s still sick.” Ding Ding felt so distressed and gently stroked Xiaoxiao’s beaten head.

 Little tears fell out instantly.

"Why are you crying? Don't you know how to apologize for doing something wrong?" Lan Lan kicked her. ,

Coco’s fists were clenched.

"Let me tell you." Finally, he held back and said loudly: "Lan Lan, I'm sorry, from now on we will listen to you, play with you, and give you all the fun and delicious things."

Lan Lan was satisfied after hearing this, and Shen Mei also thought it was okay.

Finally, Shen Mei asked Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao to do what they said to take care of Ke Ke before she gave up.

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