"Then remember, I will do as you say from now on. If you can't do it, don't blame me for being rude." Shen Mei threatened fiercely.

 “Okay.” The three little ones agreed with a cry.

"Let's go, you go to sleep." Shen Mei let them go and let them go back to sleep.

"Mommy, I want to sleep with you." The three little ones turned around, and Lan Lan took Shen Mei's hand and acted coquettishly.

"You are such a little princess." Shen Mei pinched her little nose and followed her into the bedroom.

 The hearts of the three little ones were broken.

“Brother, why did mommy change so quickly?” Xiaoxiao asked sobbing in Coco and Ding Ding’s room.

Coco didn’t know why, but he just hugged his sister and wiped the tears from her face.

Ding Ding also sat angrily. Mommy didn’t like this!

 The three little ones were all dejected, but Mommy was their God, so they couldn't hate her.

 This way.

Shen Mei took Lan Lan in, put her to sleep, and immediately went to Li Zhenting and Shen Mei's wedding room.

 The soft and comfortable big bed and the warm decoration were once her dreams. Now in the dreamland, she has endless **** dreams.

 But after a while, there was another sound from outside.

 It belongs to Li Wanqing!

"Mom." Shen Mei jumped up like a hedgehog and immediately opened the door, respectfully accompanying her smiling face.

Li Wanqing looked at her strangely.

Although Shen Ning usually respects her, he has never been so charming. Shen Ning now has a different temperament. This kind of temperament is what she dislikes the most. For example, Shen Mei was like this before!

"The little one hasn't taken the medicine yet. I saw the lights in her room were out." Li Wanqing handed her a few packets of medicine. Shen Ning was usually very concerned about the children taking medicine. Tonight she The medicine was found in the living room and was brought up.

"Oh, okay, I'll let her drink it." Shen Mei didn't know this, so she had to take it and explain, "I just coaxed Lan Lan to sleep."

Li Wanqing frowned slightly when she heard this.

Lanlan is not sick, does she need to be put to sleep?

However, because Xiaoxiao was her biological child, she didn’t say anything.

"How are Xixi and Beibei doing now?" Li Wanqing was still a little worried. It was not good for the two little guys without their mommy by their side. Shen Mei responded very quickly:

“Mom, after I took care of Xiaoxiao and drank medicine, I went to the hospital.”

"okay". Li Wanqing's expression softened, she said 'hmm' and left.

Shen Mei shook the medicine bag and walked towards the small princess room.

 Xiaoxiao didn’t lock the door.

Shen Mei opened the door in a flash.

in the dark.

 Xiaoxiao was shivering in the quilt.

The maternal love she received from Shen Ning last night was beaten to pieces again tonight. The little girl didn't know what she had done wrong. She was sad and scared. Growing up, her mommy was her only stable love and support. She felt like her world was falling apart.


 The door is open.

 A figure walked in.

 She quickly got up.

"Mommy." She was very happy when she saw Shen Ning walking in, thinking that she was here to comfort her, and hope was rekindled in her heart.

"Get up and take medicine. Don't you know you need to take medicine at such an old age?" Shen Mei said impatiently and turned on the chandelier in the room.

“Mommy, I’m sorry, I forgot.” Xiao Xiao was shocked. Mummy was so fierce. She was just like that night, without any warmth.

"Here you go, take it yourself." Shen Mei threw the medicine bag to Xiaoxiao.

 Xiao Xiao picked up the medicine bag and opened it.

 It contains tablets for oral administration, liquid for sucking through a straw, and granules for brewing.

She wouldn't take the brewing medicine. Every time she got sick before, Shen Ning would give it to her.

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