"Xiao Xiao." Shen Ning's heart felt hot and her eyes were moist. She hugged Xiao Xiao tightly and rushed towards the doctor's office.

“Hurry, cool down immediately. Fortunately, it was delivered quickly.” After checking the body temperature, the doctor began to urgently cool down the small sling bottle, and the treatment became busy.

Shen Ning's heart was high. She didn't know why Xiaoxiao had such a high fever all of a sudden. She was almost cured of her illness yesterday.

She was holding the child in her arms and was cleaning the hair on her forehead when she suddenly found that the little one's hair was still a little wet. She was stunned for a moment. Did the little one go to bed last night after washing her hair without blowing it dry? It would be strange if you don’t have a fever like this!

She called Sister Yun. Sister Yun said that she personally took Xiaoxiao to wash her hair and take a bath last night. It was not the case that her hair was not dried. If so, it was because the child was sweating last night.

 Shen Ning hung up the phone.

Liyun Hotel.

 Early in the morning, Shen Mei walked into the hall carrying a bag and wearing **** and beautiful fashion.

 Behind him, a black car parked outside the hotel.

 The windows and doors are open.

Liang Ruqi's cold face appeared in the car. She turned her head and looked towards the lobby, with an unpredictable smile on her lips.

  Half an hour later.

Shen Mei appeared in the hall holding a man's hand.

Liang Ruqi immediately took out the camera she had prepared and started taking photos one after another.

 After breakfast, Li Wanqing hurried to the hospital.

"How is Xiaoxiao?" Shen Ning was sitting in front of Xiaoxiao's hospital bed, holding her little hand, her face looking haggard, she walked in and asked anxiously.

"Mom, the fever has gone away. Fortunately, I sent her home early." Shen Ning stood up, still feeling frightened.

"Hey, I don't know what happened to this child. She is so weak. It seems that she needs to be recuperated after she recovers." Li Wanqing sighed, "You haven't had breakfast yet. Go and eat it quickly. I'll do it." Guard Xiaoxiao.”

"Okay, thank you, Mom." It was almost nine o'clock, and Shen Ning hadn't washed up yet, let alone had breakfast, so she agreed and walked outside.

 I feel top-heavy after just taking a few steps.

 After several days of tossing, she couldn't bear it anymore.

 The small ward is next door to Xixi and Beibei, both in the pediatrics department.

When Shen Ning came outside, her cell phone rang.

She picked it up and saw that it was Li Zhenting calling. She felt a warmth the moment she saw his name.

"Ning Ning." She answered the phone, and the man's gentle and magnetic voice came over.

 “Zhen Ting.” She sniffed.

"Ning Ning, what's wrong with you?" Li Zhenting sensed it immediately and asked with concern.

"It's okay." Shen Ning calmed down and smiled.

Li Zhenting is in a lot of trouble now. His overseas assets have been severely sanctioned. He is running around every day. It is only at this time that he can call her to ask for safety.

 She didn’t tell him that Xixi and Beibei were sick, let alone the conflicts between Keke, Dingding and Xiaoxiao and Lanlan.

 She hopes he can get through the storm smoothly and come back soon. She really couldn't hold it anymore and hoped to have a solid shoulder by her side to rely on.

 “Have you had breakfast?” he asked softly there.

"Eat." Shen Ning smiled and asked with concern, "How are things going over there?"

Like her, she didn't want to tell him because she was afraid that he would worry. Of course, he didn't want to tell her about business matters because she was a woman worried.

“It’s okay, don’t worry, your husband and I are an invincible superman. There is nothing in the mall that I can’t handle.” He answered calmly and relaxedly, with a bit of certainty.

Shen Ning smiled.

 She believes in him, he is a top business expert, nothing is difficult for him!

“Then you still have to be careful.” She warned softly.

"Well, you too, you need to gain weight. I don't like you being too thin. It doesn't feel good to the touch." Li Zhenting said deliberately to be ambiguous.

Shen Ning's face turned red.

The two of them said goodbye reluctantly and hung up the phone.

As soon as the phone was hung up, Shen Ning leaned against the wall, holding the phone and crying.

 In fact, how much she hoped he could come back to her right away.

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