
 Lanlan, Coco and Ding Ding came home from school.

Because of what happened a few days ago, the teacher asked Lanlan to apologize to Coco and Ding Ding at school. Lan Lan no longer dared to instruct and bully Coco and Ding Ding at school, but as soon as she returned home, she returned to her former self. Sample.

"Pour me a glass of water." As soon as she got home, Lan Lan instructed Coco to pour her some water, and she sat down on the sofa.

 Under normal circumstances, she instigates Keke more. Keke has endured hardships and is more tolerant. But Ding Ding is different. He is the eldest son of the Li family and has a relatively big temper. If he gets angry, he will beat people.

 “Okay.” Coco immediately brought Lanlan a glass of water.

“Let’s play checkers.” Lan Lan took a sip of water and looked at the checkers next to her, wanting to play.

Keke and Ding Ding didn’t dare to disobey, so they had no choice but to agree.

 Normally, Lan Lan watches Coco, and Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao play checkers and have a great time. She has never had the opportunity to participate, which is quite envious. Now she can finally play, and is very happy.

 It’s just that the game of checkers requires a certain level of proficiency, and she doesn’t understand anything at all.

Coco and Ding Ding usually play back and forth, fighting inextricably. When they are excited, even Xiao Xiao is not allowed to participate. After all, Xiao Xiao is not very knowledgeable. Now playing this with Lan Lan is simply impossible. Just suffer.

 She just wanted to play, but she couldn’t lose yet, so she had to give in to everything.

Within a few minutes, Ding Ding turned gloomy and stopped playing, but Coco could barely hold on.

 After playing for a while, Lan Lan felt that it was boring, so she asked to play another game of collecting vegetables.

This game has a lot of luck involved, and Lan Lan played it very enthusiastically.

"Keke, who told you to win?" After a while, Keke won after playing casually, and Lanlan yelled at him unhappily.

Coco shrugged and replied: "I don't want to win either, it's because you are too stupid."

“You’re stupid.” Lan Lan threw the card in her hand to the floor and lost her temper. Coco and Ding Ding looked at each other and didn't want to pay attention to her.

"Pick them up and play again. This time I will defeat you." Lan Lan ordered Coco and Ding Ding, pointing at the cards she had thrown on the floor.

 Coco and Ding Ding stood motionless.

"Did you hear that? Pick it up quickly." Lan Lan ordered loudly, her voice was very loud.

Sister Wang happened to bring sugar water over. Seeing Lan Lan's domineering and arrogant appearance, she felt that Lan Lan had changed a lot these days, she was particularly arrogant, and she often gave orders to Coco and Ding Ding. But what surprised her was that Coco , Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao actually let her go, as if they were afraid of her.

“Lan Lan, auntie will pick it up for you. You guys should drink pear sugar water first. The weather is dry now and it’s easy to cough.” Sister Wang put the sugar water on the coffee table next to her and bent down to pick up the card.

Who knows

Lan Lan actually stepped over and stepped directly on the back of Sister Wang's hand.

 Sister Wang’s face changed color.

"You are not allowed to pick it up. I want Coco to pick it up." Lan Lan gave the order directly.

Sister Wang got a little angry and said quickly, "Lan Lan, let go of Auntie's hand. You threw this card yourself. It's wrong for you to let Coco pick it up."

"Who is wrong?" She finished her words when a voice suddenly came over. Sister Wang looked up and saw Shen Ning walking in with a cold face and a bag on her back.

Sister Wang was shocked for a while.

“Mommy.” Lan Lan saw the jade ring on Shen Mei’s hand and immediately cheered and ran towards her.

 Shen Mei hugged her.

“Mommy.” Coco and Ding Ding also wanted to run towards her, but they stopped when they saw Mommy and Lan Lan hugging each other so closely.

 The two smart little guys already know that as long as Lan Lan is close to mommy, it will not be good to them.

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