“Mommy, Aunt Wang bullied me and refused to let Coco and Ding Ding play games with me.” Lan Lan complained immediately.

 Shen Mei's face became even colder.

"Sister Wang, what's going on? Why are you bullying Lan Lan? Is it because Lan Lan doesn't have her own mother here?" She asked Sister Wang directly.

 Sister Wang was stunned for a moment.

"Young mistress, that's not the case." She quickly replied truthfully, "Lanlan has been playing games with Coco and Ding Ding since she came home, but she always instructs Coco and Ding Ding to do things for her and doesn't allow them to win. She won by herself, and just when Coco won, she got angry and threw all the cards on the ground, and ordered Coco to pick them up. I couldn't stand it, so I picked it up myself, but Lanlan actually stepped on the back of my hand with her foot."

But Shen Mei didn't take it seriously after hearing this, and instead blamed: "This is just a game played between children. How they want to play is their business. Who loses and wins is also their business. As long as they are happy, it will be fine." Coco and Ding Ding didn’t say anything. Why are you messing around in the middle? No wonder Lanlan is always unhappy, saying that she is often bullied because she doesn’t have a mommy. It turns out that it’s all the fault of you servants who take advantage of the situation. It's really disgusting. I tell you, you are not allowed to point fingers or interfere with Lan Lan in the future. She is the daughter of the Li family. She can do whatever she wants. You just need to take good care of her. You don't need to meddle in so many other things. "

 Sister Wang was speechless for a moment.

How could the young mistress suddenly change so quickly? Coco and Ding Ding are both her biological children. Obviously, Lan Lan has been bullying the two young masters. They were both bullied to the point where they could not hold their heads up, but she still protected Lan like this. Lan, this is unfair to Coco and Ding Ding. Doesn’t she feel sorry for her child?

"Okay, I understand." But seeing Shen Mei's gloomy face, she didn't know what to say, so she had to agree in a low voice.

"Keke, quickly pick up the card and play with Lan Lan." At this time, Shen Mei ordered sharply.

Coco was very unhappy when she saw that her mother didn't get her love when she came home, but was forced to pick up cards to play with Lan Lan, but she didn't dare to show it. After all, her mother was very cold and solemn, completely different from before.

 He bent down to pick up the card and started playing with Ding Ding and Lan Lan again.

"Who told you to put it here? Take it away. This is my place." Not long after, Lan Lan slapped Coco on the head and yelled.

Lanlan, who thought she had a backer, became even more arrogant.

Coco clenched her fists in anger, but she glanced at Mommy sitting next to her. Not only did she not say anything, she even glared at him fiercely.

 He had no choice but to put the card back and let Lan Lan win.

 “I won’t play anymore.” Ding Ding was a little angry after all, so he threw the card away and stopped playing.

"Mommy." Lan Lan looked at Mommy. She didn't dare to offend Ding Ding too much, and was just about to use Mommy's hand to punish him. "Ding Ding." Shen Mei shouted sharply.

 “I’m going to eat.” Just then, Sister Wang was calling for dinner, so Ding Ding simply ran to the dining room.

 Coco also ran over.

Lan Lan had no choice but to follow.

 At the dinner table.

Lan Lan sat calmly and said to Keke: "Keke, pick up some meatballs for me."

Shen Ning had to stay in the hospital because Xiao Xiao had a high fever, while Li Wanqing hurried there because there was a call from Li's old house saying that Li Jichun's illness was getting worse.

In this way, Shen Mei is the biggest parent at the entire dinner table.

Hearing this, Ke Ke picked up a meatball and put it in Lan Lan's bowl.

 “Feed me.” Lan Lan was too lazy to do anything and ordered directly.

Coco glanced at Shen Mei, but she seemed not to notice, so he had to pick up the meatballs and put them into Lan Lan's mouth.

I don’t know whether it was because the meatballs were too slippery, or because Lan Lan didn’t open her mouth too wide.

Anyway, after the meatball was fed into Lan Lan’s mouth, she failed to bite it and dropped it again.

"You did it on purpose." Lan Lan slapped Coco with a backhand, and the sound was clear and resounded throughout the living room.

 The nannies standing nearby were stunned.

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