Li's Castle.

 Four thirty in the afternoon.

 Steward Luo and Xiao Li walked in with Coco, Ding Ding and Lan Lan.

"Keke, Ding Ding, Lan Lan, you are back." As soon as the three little guys came in, Shen Ning came up to them and greeted them with a smile.

  After all, she had not seen the children for a week, and she missed them.

Coco and Ding Ding stood with their heads bowed, with an indifferent aura about them.

Lan Lan glanced at Shen Ning's wrist. There was no jade ring on it. This was not her mommy, so she didn't greet her so enthusiastically and called her "mommy".

 The whole atmosphere is weird.

Shen Ning was a little surprised, but she didn't think much about it. She just smiled and said, "Hurry up and put down your schoolbag and go eat. Mommy has prepared a lot of snacks for you today."

Coco and Ding Ding were in low spirits. They put down their schoolbags listlessly and walked towards the restaurant.

Lan Lan also put down her schoolbag, but today she is not so arrogant, and her face is indifferent.

Coco, Ding Ding washed his hands and sat down at his own dining table.

There are indeed several kinds of pastries today, all of which they like.

 In the past few days, with Shen Mei watching eagerly and Lan Lan bossing them around, the two little guys had never had a good meal. Now when they sat down and saw their favorite pastries, they immediately started gobbling them up.

Shen Ning smiled slightly.

"Lan Lan, why don't you eat?" Lan Lan wasn't hungry at all. She was just looking at the phone watch on her wrist, wondering when Mommy would come over. She saw that Lan Lan hadn't eaten, and Shen Ning was beside her. asked with concern.

“I don’t like eating.” Lan Lan replied angrily.

"Oh." Shen Ning didn't force it.

 After a while, Lan Lan climbed down and walked towards the living room.

 Shen Ning ignored her. After eating the snacks, Coco and Ding Ding came to the sofa in the living room. The two little guys sat cuddling together and were very unfamiliar with their mother.

Shen Ning thought of Xiaoxiao's strange appearance after not seeing him for a few days. It seemed that the two little ones were the same.

"Keke, Dingding, how are you doing in kindergarten these days?" She walked over and asked patiently, with a gentle tone.

The two little ones looked at her suspiciously. When they went out this morning, mommy was still impatient and fierce towards them. Why did she seem to be a different person now? She must be pretending.

 After three consecutive days of Shen Mei's torture to them, they already believed that Mommy didn't love them anymore.

 “It’s okay.” They replied calmly.

"Don't touch me." At this moment, Shen Ning saw a small black spot on Ding Ding's face and took a tissue to wipe it off for him. But as soon as he reached out his hand, Ding Ding pushed her away. His reaction was extremely sensitive, with a look of panic on his face. and angry.

Shen Ning was stunned.

“Brother, Ding Ding, you are back.” At this time, Xiao Xiao ran down like a gust of wind in a beautiful dress, with a happy smile on his face.

"Xiao Xiao." Seeing Xiao Xiao, Coco and Ding Ding relaxed a little.

 Xiao Xiao ran over and sat next to them, next to Shen Ning, feeling full of happiness.

Coco and Ding Ding looked at her suspiciously.

 Under Shen Ning's careful care, the little girl has forgotten the trauma she received from Shen Mei.

"Xiaoxiao, have you recovered from your cold?" After Xiaoxiao sat down, Coco and Dingding talked more, and they began to ask her with concern.

"Well, I'm fine now." Xiaoxiao smiled, "Mommy has taken good care of me."

 Neither Keke nor Ding Ding believed it.

Shen Ning saw that after Xiaoxiao came down, Keke and Dingding were talking and laughing as usual, so she felt relieved. She thought that since she hadn't been with them for a week, it was because they were unfamiliar with her, and it would get better after a while. of.

At this time, Xixi and Beibei started to make a noise upstairs, so she went upstairs. Five children were enough to keep her busy.

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