Dinner time.

  Shen Ning came down from upstairs and saw Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao sitting on the sofa playing, but did not see Lan Lan.

 “Where is Lanlan?” she asked.

Coco and Ding Ding asked Lan Lan as soon as they saw their mommy. They just thought that mommy still only preferred Lanlan like Shen Mei did, so they remained silent. Xiaoxiao also shook his head.

Shen Ning touched their heads lightly and walked towards the kitchen.

 On the grass outside.

 “Mommy.” Lan Lan received a call from Shen Mei.

“Lanlan, are you at home?”

 “Yes, it’s almost time for dinner.”

“Is Shen Ning here?”

"Yes, Mommy, when will you come over? I want you to come over." Lan Lan curled her lips.

Without Shen Mei around, she wouldn't dare to boss Coco and Ding Ding around, and they would ignore her or play with her. She was really boring.

"Don't worry, mommy will go over to stay with you in the next few days. Then I will live there permanently and stay with you every day, okay?" Shen Mei coaxed.

 “Really? That’s great.

“Of course it’s true, Mommy won’t lie to you.”

 “Okay, I’m so happy.”

"Well, Lan Lan, you can try to get Shen Ning out now. Just let her stay outside for half an hour."

 “What are you doing?”

 “Don’t ask so many questions, just do as you are told.”

 “Okay.” Lan Lan hung up the phone.

But she didn't know what to do to get Shen Ning to come out for half an hour. While she was thinking about it, Shen Ning's voice suddenly came from the other side: "Lan Lan, it's time to have dinner, what are you doing here?"

It turned out that Shen Ning didn't find Lan Lan, so he found her directly.

Lan Lan looked at Shen Ning and suddenly ran towards her.

“Aunt Shen Ning, I want to take a walk outside, can you accompany me?”

Shen Ning frowned: "It's time to have dinner now. After dinner, can I go out with you for a walk?"

“No, I just want to take a walk now, otherwise, I won’t have the appetite for dinner.” Lan Lan shook her head.

 “But everyone is waiting for us to have dinner.”

“I really can’t eat, I just want to walk outside.” Lan Lan insisted and refused to leave.

"Well, I'll accompany you. Where do you want to go?" Shen Ning was helpless, but looking at the little girl's begging eyes, she couldn't refuse. "Go over there." Lan Lan pointed to the farthest side of Simon. "There are pigeons over there. I want to see them and feed them."

Shen Ning glanced over there. It was to the west of Li's Castle, close to the wall. There was a large bamboo forest there, which was a bit far away from here.

 “Okay.” However, she still agreed.

Lan Lan was so happy that she took the initiative to hold Shen Ning's hand.

 The two of them walked over there.

 Lanlan seemed very happy, talking and laughing along the way.

Shen Ning had never seen Lan Lan say so many words to her. She thought the little girl had changed a bit and was very happy.

 Not long after, they arrived under the bamboo forest.

 Sure enough

 There are many pigeons looking for food on the ground.

 Lan Lan ran over and picked up a basin of food, approached them cautiously, and scattered the food on the ground.

 A group of pigeons came over to grab the food.

 Lanlan is very happy.

 Shen Ning accompanied her to feed the pigeons.

"Auntie, I want to go to the toilet. Can you wait for me here for a while?" Not long after, Lan Lan said that she wanted to go to the toilet and asked Shen Ning.

"Then come back quickly. We have to go back for dinner. They are waiting for us." Shen Ning warned.

 “Well, okay.” Lan Lan skipped away.

Shen Ning looked at those cute pigeons, continued to feed them, and then waited for Lan Lan to come back.

 But she didn't see Lan Lan come back after waiting for a long time, and she was a little confused. Did something happen to the little girl when she went to the toilet?

With this thought, she walked towards the public toilet over there.


When she came to the public toilet and took a look, Lan Lan was already gone.

She asked a flower gardener next to her. The worker said he had never seen Lan Lan come to the toilet.

It was only then that Shen Ning realized that she had been **** by this little girl. She definitely didn't want to go to the toilet, but had run away long ago, leaving her waiting there alone.

 This little girl’s scheming is really evil!

 She frowned and walked towards home.

But before she reached the front garden, she saw Li Wanqing entering from the front garden with an angry face. She walked in a hurry, and her whole body seemed to be filled with anger.

 For a moment, her eyelids twitched.

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