"Shen Ning, let me ask you, where have you been?" Li Wanqing asked immediately as Shen Ning walked into the living room.

"Mom, I, I just accompanied Lan Lan to the bamboo forest over there." Shen Ning was caught off guard by such a question. She was stunned for a moment and spoke immediately.

"Lie." Li Wanqing shouted angrily, "Don't you know what good things you have done?"

"Mom, I really went there with Lan Lan. If you don't believe me, ask Lan Lan." Shen Ning was inexplicable about Li Wanqing's anger, so she had to explain. When she looked up, she saw Lan Lan sitting at the dining table and immediately looked towards her. She shouted, "Lanlan, why did you come back alone? Didn't you ask me to wait for you?"

Ke Lanlan looked at her with wide eyes and shook her head: "Mommy, I don't have one."

"Look, you lied without blinking an eye, Lan Lan didn't admit it, why are you pretending to me." Li Wanqing sneered, considering that the children were there, she did not say those ugly words or things.

Shen Ning then realized that Lan Lan, the evil little girl, had done this on purpose, and for a while she couldn't figure out her true intention.

"Shen Ning, I really underestimate you. You are pretending to be a good wife and mother while you are outside..." Li Wanqing glanced at the people in the dining room and said, "Come to the study with me."

 After saying that, she walked towards the study angrily.

Shen Ning had no choice but to follow her.

No one in the dining room knew what happened, but this was the first time they had seen Li Wanqing get so angry. However, Shen Ning's words and deeds had changed too much these days, and they didn't think Li Wanqing was that angry. It's outrageous. Even Coco and Ding Ding feel that their mommy has changed. Seeing their grandma getting angry, they don't feel as distressed as before.

Lan Lan smiled maliciously, and then she understood the reason why mommy asked her to trick Shen Ning out. It seemed that mommy was dealing with Shen Ning.

Great, as long as grandma doesn't like Shen Ning, then my mother can come in.

 She ate the food happily.

 Only my little heart is heavy, always feeling like something bad and big is about to happen.

“Shen Ning, tell me, how long have you been with that man?” Li Wanqing asked directly as soon as she entered the study.

 Shen Ning was completely confused.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Which man?" she asked in confusion.

“Stop pretending, I just caught you at the Liyun Hotel.” Li Wanqing was furious.

“Mom, you must have mistaken the wrong person. I haven’t seen you today, let alone been to Liyunsha Store.” Shen Ning explained.

But Li Wanqing, who was already dizzy with anger, couldn't listen to Shen Ning's explanation at all. She slammed the table: "At this time, you are still arguing with me, do you think I am a fool? Let me tell you, this time, I I will never forgive you."

Shen Ning's face turned pale.


"Don't call me mom." Li Wanqing interrupted her angrily, "From now on, you don't want to go anywhere, just stay at home and take care of the children every day, and wait for Zhenting to come back to deal with this matter. Also, you You don’t have to call me mom anymore, I can’t afford it.”

Li Wanqing became even more angry when she saw Shen Ning's weak and innocent appearance. He had obviously done bad things blatantly, but refused to admit it and pretended to be weak and sophistry in front of her. It really made her want to vomit.

 She dislikes this kind of woman the most.

 Shen Ning's eyes instantly filled with tears.

Li Wanqing looked at her coldly: "Forget it, I don't expect you to admit anything or confess anything. I won't believe what you say anymore. Zhenting will find out everything by then. I believe it." He's not stupid."

 After saying that, she rushed out and slammed the study door.

  Shen Ning direct petrochemical.

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