"Mommy, please eat." After a long while, Shen Ning walked out and came to the dining room. His face was gray, and he looked at her with a little worry, and handed the chopsticks to her hand.

 “Thank you.” Shen Ning forced a smile.

It was only then that she looked around and felt that the atmosphere was strange. When she came back more than a week after going to the hospital, everything seemed to have changed. Even her sons Coco and Ding Ding had changed. The only thing that had not changed was It's Lan Lan's evil.

 This little girl was obviously the one who asked her to accompany her to feed the pigeons, but she left her alone. When she asked her, she refused to admit it.

 In Li Wanqing's eyes, this directly turned into her being deceived.

 She really didn’t know how evil-minded this little girl Lan Lan was. She was only six years old!

 After eating, everyone began to do their own thing. No one spoke, and the air was quiet.

Coco and Ding Ding went to the bedroom upstairs together. Lanlan returned to her bedroom alone, with only Xiaoxiao following her, never leaving her.

Because she had to give medicine to the children, Shen Ning took Xiaoxiao up and got busy. Even if she felt a hundred dissatisfactions in her heart, she could not delay the children's illness.

 In the princess’s room.

 Lan Lan was lying on the sheets, holding a phone and watch and calling Shen Mei.

“Mommy, Aunt Shen Ning was scolded today. She was scolded badly by her grandma.” Lan Lan reported happily.

 “That’s good.” Shen Mei smiled.

“Mommy, I asked Aunt Shen Ning to take me to feed the pigeons. As soon as she came back, she bumped into grandma and got scolded like a dog.” Lan Lan recounted the situation at that time.

"Very good." Shen Mei smiled, "Please open the door for me later. I will move in tonight."

 “Really?” Lan Lan was very happy.

 “Well, you have to cooperate with Mommy from now on.”


Lanlan smiled happily, as long as her mother came over, she would have a good life.

 She climbed out of bed and ran outside.

 In the study.

Li Wanqing was still so angry that she had a headache. She wanted to tell Li Zhenting directly about Shen Ning, but his matters were too important. She didn't dare to tell him for fear of affecting his emotions. After all, Shen Ning was too important to him now.

After thinking about it, she had no choice but to suppress the matter first, keep it quiet, and wait until Li Zhenting's matter was settled before telling him.

Moreover, Li Jichun's illness has become more and more serious, and now there is really no chance of anything happening.

 She took out essential oil and wiped her forehead, swallowing the bad breath in her heart.

 Later, Shen Mei sneaked into Lan Lan's bedroom, brought a lot of changes of clothes, and prepared to stay temporarily.

 In the bedroom.

 Xiao Xiao came out of the shower and suddenly felt inexplicably scared.

Shen Ning has been sleeping with her these days. She feels very warm when mommy is around and won't be scared. But once mommy is no longer around, she will feel scared and inexplicably remember what happened that night.

She mustered up the courage, hugged her little pillow, opened the door and walked towards mommy and daddy's bedroom.


As soon as she walked out, she saw mommy coming out of the elevator carrying a bowl of steaming dumplings.

 “Mommy.” She immediately called sweetly.

Shen Mei was stunned. She didn't expect such a coincidence. She met Xiaoxiao as soon as she got out of the elevator.

"What are you doing holding the pillow? Go in and sleep quickly." She immediately glared at Xiaoxiao and scolded him angrily.

 The little face suddenly turned pale.

 Why has Mommy become so fierce again?

 “Mommy, I want to sleep with you.” She replied quietly.

"Sleep, you are so old and you have to sleep with adults. Who has time to accompany you? Go back to your bedroom and sleep. Don't mention sleeping with me again, otherwise I will slap you." Shen Mei just wanted to go as soon as possible. Eating steaming dumplings, I felt disgusted with Xiaoxiao. Her words were rude and her face was full of disgust.

Xiaoxiao met Mommy’s fierce and disgusting eyes, and was so frightened that she trembled and shrank her head.

"Go back to bed quickly." Shen Mei was holding the dumplings, which were a little hot. She couldn't walk into Lan Lan's bedroom in front of the little guy, as it would be easy to get in trouble, so she had to yell angrily.

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