"You take care of your children at home today and don't run around. I will ask Butler Luo to assist you." Li Wanqing looked stern.

Shen Mei understood what she was thinking and asked Butler Luo to assist her. In fact, he was watching over her to prevent her from running around.


 This is Shen Ning's concern, not her, so of course she won't care.

"Don't worry, Mom, I won't go anywhere. I will just take care of the children at home." She immediately smiled obediently.

 “Yeah.” Li Wanqing walked away expressionlessly.

Shen Mei looked at Li Wanqing's angry back and couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips with a smile.

The more disgusted Li Wanqing is towards Shen Ning, the happier she is.

 She moved in here not only to achieve her own goals, but also to watch the show.

Because Li Jichun's condition worsened, Li Wanqing had to go to Li's old house during the day.

As soon as she walked into the living room, she saw Liang Ruqi smiling at her.

She calmed down and walked past her without even looking at her.

 But Liang Ruqi came here specifically to block her, so of course she wouldn't let her go.

"Sister-in-law, is Shen Ning okay? Is she okay?" Liang Ruqi deliberately caught up with her with a smile.

 “Go away.” Li Wanqing was in a bad mood and naturally very angry.

"Hey, sister-in-law, it wouldn't be good if you take out your anger on others. You know, I didn't lie to you. I did it for your own good." Liang Ruqi shrugged, "Who else would take this out except me? I’m telling you such a scandal, I’m telling you just for the benefit of the Li family, so as to prevent the Li Group from being negatively affected and in trouble internally and externally. In that case, your son’s CEO will no longer be thinking about it.”

 Li Wanqing cares about these things the most, and she knows it very well.

"Brothers and sisters, Shen Ning will never go out again. The things she does now are all due to her amnesia. To put it bluntly, she was also harmed by you. Please don't gloat about it. If this matter is revealed, what will happen to you? Fang's reputation is even worse, so this matter is over and everyone should let it go. Now that Dad's condition is getting worse, we should focus our energy on this." She warned while Point out the key points.

Liang Ruqi sneered: "Brothers and sisters, can a person have **** after losing his memory? This is the first time I heard that her amnesia is just forgetting what happened in the past, and she still wants to seduce men? I think it's her nature. ” ˆ ˆ “Shut up, she suffered major brain trauma and sometimes experiences hallucinations. This is what the doctor said. Don’t the doctors know better than you?” Li Wanqing spoke sternly and tried her best to cover up for Shen Ning.

 “Oh, that’s it.” Liang Ruqi smiled disapprovingly.

“Let me tell you, be less troublesome and accumulate more virtue. This will be good for both of you.” Li Wanqing solemnly warned Liang Ruqi.

Liang Ruqi smiled: "Hey, your daughter-in-law is stealing men outside, but you are still covering her up. I feel really sad for you. Can you really control Shen Ning and prevent her from dating men again?"

Li Wanqing felt horrified when she heard this. She didn't want to talk to Liang Ruqi anymore, otherwise she would collapse.

Hurrying to his lounge, he fell on the sofa, his eyelids twitching.

No matter what, she will never allow Shen Ning to date that man again before Li Zhenting comes back, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

After thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone and called Butler Luo, asking him to send someone to guard Shen Ning and never let her go out again. After doing this, she breathed a sigh of relief.

 Li's Castle.

 After Shen Ning was busy all morning, Xixi and Beibei finally fell asleep after lunch.

They basically slept for several hours, so Shen Ning returned to her bedroom to rest. During this time, she was already exhausted mentally and physically.

She patted her head, pushed open the door, and looked up, a little surprised.


Her room seemed to have been disturbed again.

For example, her mobile phone was originally placed on the bedside table, but now it is thrown on the bed. Her bag was randomly placed on the desk yesterday, but now it has been taken to the bed. More importantly, the zipper of her bag was When I opened it, there were signs of turning inside.

 She stood in a daze.

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