After a while, Shen Ning felt a headache and fatigue, so he lay down to rest.


Shen Mei saw on her phone that Shen Ning was asleep and hadn't gotten up, so she came down.

“Young lady, it’s time to eat.” Sister Wang was busy. When she saw her coming down, she immediately greeted her with a smile.

Shen Mei walked to the dining table and frowned when she saw the dishes: "Is this what you want for lunch?"


"Does the Li family have no money to eat now? How can we eat just a few dishes?" Shen Mei asked dissatisfiedly.

Sister Wang looked at the four dishes and one soup on the table, feeling a little confused.

“Young lady, these are the dishes you like to eat, and they were cooked at your own request.” Sister Wang could only answer cautiously.

Shen Mei rolled her eyes and sneered inwardly with disdain.

 Only ghosts like to eat these vegetarian dishes. They are only what Shen Ning eats, not what she likes to eat.

 With the young lady of the Li family in vain?

 But she didn't say anything, she just sat down and had a few bites before going upstairs.

When she came upstairs, she didn't go directly into Lan Lan's bedroom. After all, she had been locked up all morning, so she felt bored and walked in the corridor.

At this time, Shen Ning was still sleeping in the bedroom.

  She walked around in a circle and walked into Coco and Ding Ding's bedroom. After a while, she unexpectedly found several gold bars and golden melon seeds. She was so surprised that she quickly put them into her pocket.

 After a while, out of boredom, she saw the nursery over there.

 The door of the baby room is warm and gorgeous.

With a thought in her mind, she walked directly towards the baby's room.

Xixi and Beibei were sleeping deeply in the crib, and the room was quiet.

 She walked up to the two little guys.

 The little guy’s facial features are delicate and tender, and the shadows of Li Zhenting and Shen Ning can be seen on his face. Her eyes fell on their little faces, with a cold glint of jealousy in her eyes.

Shen Ning was so lucky that she gave birth to a pair of twins, giving birth to five children for Li Zhenting. In this case, her position in the Li family was so stable that no one could replace her.

 Otherwise, Li Wanqing knew that Li Zhenting had cuckolded her when she was messing around outside, but he still didn't dare to touch her easily and drove her out.

 Her fingers clenched into fists.

Children, you shouldn’t have come into this world. It’s unlucky for you to meet me today!

With anger in her eyes, she unconsciously stretched her fingers toward the little guy's face, and slowly put them on the little guy's throat.

Jealousy caused **** scenes to flash before her eyes from time to time. She gradually lost her rationality and tightened her fingers.


 A golden light flashed in front of her eyes.

She opened her eyes wide and took a look, and saw that the little guy was wearing a golden lock around his neck. It was golden and heavy, and looked very heavy and valuable.

Her fingers immediately moved towards the golden lock, grasped it in her palm, and weighed it, it was very heavy.

She was so obsessed with money that she suddenly woke up and even broke into a cold sweat.

 Fortunately, the golden lock around the little guy's neck made her wake up, otherwise, even she herself couldn't guarantee whether she would strangle them to death.

 She immediately bent down, unlocked the gold lock, and put it into her bag. Then, she looked at the little guy next to her and opened the clothes around her neck.

As expected, these golden locks are a pair, one for each of the two little guys.

 She quickly untied it and put it into her bag.

“Xixi and Beibei haven’t woken up yet, it’s time to drink milk powder.”

“Well, I slept a little longer today.”

At this time, footsteps were heard in the corridor, and soon the voices of two girls were heard. It was two special guards returning.

It turned out that the two special nurses went down to eat while Xixi and Beibei were asleep. However, they were eating in the staff restaurant and Shen Mei did not see them.

As he was talking, they walked in.

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