"Forget it, stop looking for it. I haven't gone out anyway. If I lost it, it would be at home." After a while, Shen Ning looked at the two special guards who were still looking for it and said.

The two special nurses were a little anxious. After all, they were the two taking care of the baby. Things on the baby were missing, so they were the most suspicious.

This kind of jewelry is worth a lot of money and they can't afford to lose it.

“Young lady, we think the golden lock must still be at home, let’s look for it again.” They still want to look for it.

"No, we've already looked for it. If we can't find it, it means it's hard to find it. The babies are very anxious now. Money and financial matters are not important. Let's take the children out for a walk first. They are about to cry." Shen Ning looked at the children. They had sad little faces, and they didn’t want to hold this person accountable first.

The two special nurses did not dare to speak after hearing this, and pushed the babies outside.

Shen Ning followed them downstairs.

 “It’s strange, there’s a lot of wine in the wine cabinet.” As soon as she went down, she heard Sister Wang anxiously talking to Butler Luo.

Shen Ning's heart sank when she heard this.

 The good wines in the wine cabinet were all collected by Li Zhenting. Most of them cost more than 10,000 yuan and were available from all over the world.

“Steward Luo, Sister Wang, have you lost the wine?” She immediately walked over and asked.

As soon as Sister Wang saw her, she immediately said: "Young lady, the young master is not at home. We haven't opened the wine cabinet for a long time. I was just looking for a wine glass and opened the door of the wine cabinet. When I saw it, I was shocked. There was so little I drank so much wine that it’s almost empty.”

Shen Ning's eyelids twitched, and she quickly walked towards the wine cabinet, opened it, and sure enough, all the good wine inside was gone, and only the top few bottles of wine were visible.

How is this going?

 An ominous feeling came over me.

 The sudden loss of the gold lock and wine made her feel uneasy.

"Steward Luo, this wine was bought by Zhen Ting from all over the world. If he comes back and finds it missing, he will definitely be furious. You should quickly find a way to find out." Her face changed color and she ordered Guan Luo.

 At this time, Butler Luo was also stupid.

 Such a big event happened, and his responsibility as a steward was not small.

"Okay, I'll check it out right away." He left in a hurry. Shen Ning walked out in a daze. Not far after he walked out, he suddenly realized that he didn't bring his mobile phone and came back.

She pressed the elevator button, but the elevator stopped and made no movement, so she turned around and took the stairs. As soon as she reached the second floor, she heard footsteps, which were heading towards the elevator.

  Naturally, she looked at the elevator.


 A figure flashed into the elevator.

 Her heart skipped a beat.

It was a woman, and her back looked familiar. What made her heart beat was that the pajamas she was wearing looked very familiar, sky blue, with a hat, and two little bunny ears on the hat.

Isn't that her pajamas, or is it very similar to her pajamas?

She stood blankly for a moment, watched the elevator go down, and hurriedly walked toward her bedroom.

 In the bedroom, she quickly opened the closet.

  I was shocked as soon as I pulled it open.

 I saw that the closet was in a mess, and her clothes were scattered everywhere.

She raised her hand to look for her sky blue pajamas, but she couldn't find them.

With fear, he opened all the cabinets and looked for them.

 This search made me break into a cold sweat.

I saw that all the jewelry in the cabinet where the jewelry was placed was missing. The most terrifying thing was that even the property certificate of the villa that Li Zhenting gave him was missing.

How is this going?

Has your home been robbed?

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